Get Ready for 2014 Asbestos Awareness Week

The 10th annual Asbestos Awareness Week will take place from Tuesday, April 1–Monday, April 7. This is the week set aside each year for scientists, medical professionals, advocates, patients and their loved ones, and concerned community members to come together to support one another and raise awareness about the hazards of asbestos exposure. 
Asbestos Awareness Week is sponsored by the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) which is joined in its mission by the U.S. Senate. Each year, the Senate reaffirms the importance of Asbestos Awareness Week as a vehicle for raising public awareness about the prevalence of asbestos-related diseases and the dangers of asbestos exposure. This year, Senate Resolution #336 was passed on January 16, 2014.

What You Can Expect During Asbestos Awareness Week

Asbestos Awareness Week includes a full schedule of activities, including presentations by ADAO Science Advisory Board members and candlelight vigils to honor loved ones who have been harmed by asbestos. Lectures and panel discussions include the latest thinking on the dangers of asbestos, and advice for those who have been exposed to asbestos or have already been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease such as lung cancer, asbestosis, or mesothelioma.

International Asbestos Awareness Conference

Coinciding with these online and community events is the popular International Asbestos Awareness Conference: Where Knowledge and Action Unite, which will take place April 4-6 in Washington, D.C. This 10th annual conference brings together leading experts from around the globe to present the latest advances in disease prevention and treatment for mesothelioma and other diseases caused by asbestos exposure. 
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Last modified: October 4, 2017