Birth Injury Settlements

At Sokolove Law, we have decades of experience pursuing birth injury settlements. We’ve secured over $917 Million for families and children across the country who have been impacted by birth injuries.

The average birth injury settlement is around $1 Million. Call (800) 995-1212 now to find out if you may be eligible to pursue compensation for your child’s birth injury.

Get a Free Birth Injury Case Review

What Is a Birth Injury Settlement?

A birth injury settlement is financial compensation secured from a lawsuit filed against the doctor or hospital responsible for your child’s injuries.

Many birth injuries are the result of medical malpractice or negligence, which is why families may be able to hold the medical professional accountable for the harm they caused and secure compensation.

Birth injury settlements can help pay for:

  • Assistive devices
  • Counseling
  • Educational support
  • Home modifications
  • Medical expenses
  • Therapies

At Sokolove Law, our dedicated attorneys have the resources and skills necessary to secure justice on behalf of your child. Let us put our decades of experience to work for you.

Get the Help Your Child Deserves

If you have a case, our birth injury lawyers can fight for the compensation your family deserves.

Get a Free Case Review

Our Past Birth Injury Settlements

As of May 2024, Sokolove Law has secured more than $917 Million for families impacted by birth injuries across the country.

Some of our past birth injury settlements and verdicts include:

  • Over $10.4 Million for the family of a child with cerebral palsy in Pennsylvania
  • $8 Million for a New York child who suffered from a vacuum extractor injury
  • $7.8 Million for a child in Florida who developed cerebral palsy from a birth injury
  • $5 Million to a Massachusetts child who suffered brain damage during delivery
  • $6 Million to the family of a child with CP in California
  • $5.1 Million for a Texas child who experienced birth asphyxia
  • $4.5 Million for a child with Erb’s palsy in Illinois
  • $4.1 Million to a child who suffered umbilical cord strangulation and fetal distress
  • Over $2 Million to a child with a brachial plexus injury in North Carolina

While there’s never a guarantee of compensation in any case, our birth injury lawyers will fight hard to maximize your potential settlement and get you everything you’re entitled to.

Ready to pursue a birth injury settlement? Get a free case review now to find out if our attorneys may be able to help your family.

Average Settlement for Birth Injury Cases

A couple and their young child meet with a lawyerThe average birth injury settlement for newborns is approximately $1 Million, according to The Doctors Company.

Compensation from a birth injury lawsuit is often higher than a typical medical malpractice case because these injuries can have a lasting impact on the child, potentially requiring specialized care for the rest of their life.

If your child was injured during delivery, birth injury settlements can help lessen the financial burden of their medical care.

“After a traumatic birth, our daughter faces numerous issues, and I can't work since I need to care for her. Sokolove Law stepped in and helped us fight for justice, and we can breathe a little easier knowing our daughter's needs will be met.”
– Sokolove Law Birth Injury Client

Who Qualifies for Birth Injury Compensation?

You may qualify for birth injury compensation if:

  • Your child was injured before, during, or shortly after birth
  • Their injury was caused by a medical professional’s error

If your child hasn’t received a formal diagnosis but is showing signs and symptoms of a birth injury, we may still be able to help.

Sokolove Law has registered nurses on staff who can listen to your story and help you understand what may have happened.

We can help determine if you may qualify for birth injury settlements — for free. Call (800) 995-1212 now to speak with our team.

How to Pursue Birth Injury Lawsuit Settlements

At Sokolove Law, we strive to make pursuing birth injury compensation as stress-free as possible for families. Our birth injury lawyers can handle every step of the legal process, so you can focus on taking care of your child.

The steps to pursue a birth injury lawsuit settlement often include:

  • Contacting Sokolove Law: We can determine your eligibility to file a birth injury compensation claim during a free case review.
  • Gathering Evidence: Our team can collect medical records, testimony, and other evidence needed to build a strong case on your behalf.
  • Filing Your Lawsuit: Your legal team can complete all the necessary paperwork and file your birth injury claim within any state deadlines.
  • Negotiating Birth Injury Settlement Amounts: We’ll work to negotiate a settlement with the doctor or hospital responsible for your child’s injury.
  • Pursuing a Verdict in Court: If a birth injury lawsuit settlement isn’t reached, we're prepared to present your case in court before a judge and jury.

You only have a limited amount of time to pursue birth injury lawsuit settlements due to state laws known as statutes of limitations.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Find out if you may be eligible for birth injury compensation now.

“When my baby had a birth injury, it was really hard for our family. Sokolove Law helped us fight for justice and get the money we needed to give our child special care and treatments. I can’t thank them enough."
– Mother in Massachusetts & Firm Client

Factors Impacting Birth Injury Compensation Amounts

Birth injury compensation can help to improve your child’s quality of life. How much money you may be able to receive depends on the unique details of your child’s case.

Factors that may impact birth injury compensation amounts include the:

  • Role that medical negligence or malpractice played in the injury
  • Severity of the child’s birth injury and its long-term impact on their life
  • Current and future medical bills related to the injury
  • Home modifications or adaptive equipment required to support the child
  • Pain and suffering experience by your child and family
  • State where your child was injured

The average cost of care for a child with cerebral palsy is approximately $1 Million over the course of their lifetime, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Our skilled birth trauma lawyers can evaluate all of the costs linked to your child’s injuries to maximize the value of your case. See if we may be able to help you secure a birth injury settlement now during a free case review.

Secure Justice for Your Child

If you believe your child’s birth injury was the result of a medical mistake, you may be entitled to compensation that we can fight for on your behalf.

Get Started Now

Get Help Pursing Birth Injury Settlements

At Sokolove Law, we’ve recovered over $917 Million for children affected by birth injuries and their families. Our experienced birth injury lawyers can help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

As a national birth injury law firm, we have the experience and resources to help families in all 50 states stand up for their children and safeguard their futures.

Our team has over 40 years of experience fighting on behalf of injured children — and there are no upfront costs or hourly fees to work with us.

Let us get you the money you deserve. Call (800) 995-1212 now or fill out our contact form to get started with a free, no-obligation case review.

Birth Injuries Settlements FAQs

What is birth trauma compensation?

Birth trauma compensation is money given to the family of a child who was injured due to a medical error before, during, or shortly after birth.

This compensation is usually awarded from a birth injury lawsuit settlement or verdict and can help families pay for medical expenses, therapy, adaptive equipment, and more.

What is the average birth injury settlement?

The average settlement for birth injuries is nearly $1 Million, though the amount families may receive depends on the circumstances surrounding their child’s injury.

At Sokolove Law, we’ve recovered more than $917 Million for injured children and their families, including:

  • Nearly $8 Million to a family impacted by birth injuries
  • $5.9 Million to a child who suffered oxygen deprivation due to delayed medical care
  • $4.5 Million for the family of a child with Erb’s palsy
  • $3.8 Million for a child who developed CP after suffering fetal distress

Find out if you may be eligible for birth injury lawsuit settlements during a free case review.

How long does it take to get birth injury compensation?

The time it takes to get birth injury compensation will vary based on the unique details of each case.

At Sokolove Law, we understand how important it is to provide your child with the support they need during their earliest years of development. Our birth injury attorneys will fight to secure the most compensation for your family as soon as possible.

Call (800) 995-1212 now to get started. It costs nothing to speak with our team.

How much compensation can you get for birth injury?

While the average birth injury settlement is around $1 Million, the total compensation you may receive depends on many factors, including the severity of the injury and any related medical expenses.

Birth injury compensation amounts we’ve secured for our clients include: 

  • $9 Million to a Florida family impacted by birth injuries
  • $7 Million to the mother of a child with CP in Illinois
  • $6 Million for a New York child with untreated jaundice
  • $5 Million to the family of a child who wasn’t breathing at birth in California
  • Over $3.3 Million for a child in New Hampshire with cerebral palsy
  • $2.85 Million to a Georgia child who developed CP from a birth injury

At Sokolove Law, our birth injury attorney will fight to secure the most compensation possible for your child. Find out if we may be able to help you during a free case review.

How much does it cost to file a claim for birth injury settlements?

When you work with Sokolove Law, there are no upfront or out-of-pocket costs to pursue a birth injury settlement.

Our attorneys work on a contingency-fee basis, which means we only get paid if we successfully secure birth injury compensation for you.

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Economic Costs Associated with Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, Hearing Loss, and Vision Impairment.” Retrieved from: Accessed on December 5, 2023.
  2. The Doctors Company. “​​Study of Malpractice Claims Involving Children.” Retrieved from: Accessed on December 5, 2023.