UnitedHealthcare Long-Term Disability Denial

UnitedHealthcare has a history of wrongfully denying insurance claims, which can be devastating for those with an injury or illness that prevents them from working. At Sokolove Law, we can help victims of UnitedHealthcare bad faith practices appeal a denied claim and get the benefits they deserve.

If UnitedHealthcare denied your long-term disability claim, call (800) 995-1212 now for a free legal case review. We’ll fight hard to get you everything you’re entitled to.

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UnitedHealthcare Claims & Denied Disability Benefits

Insurance companies like UnitedHealthcare have one goal: to create wealth for their executives and investors. This wealth may be generated at the expense of policyholders through unfair claim denials, as long-term disability (LTD) insurance denials provide a clear path to increased profits

Insurance companies have a legal duty to their policyholders to act in good faith and fair dealing. If UnitedHealthcare denies a legitimate claim, they may be acting in bad faith.

Unfair disability insurance claim denial is one way UnitedHealthcare may fail to meet its duty as an insurer, which has already resulted in countless lawsuits across the country.

When UnitedHealthcare denies claims, it can be devastating to a person’s financial stability and may result in an immediate loss of income, savings, home, and more.

There are options to fight back against a denied disability claim. We may be able to help you appeal the denial and secure any benefits you may be owed.

Don't Take No for an Answer

We’ve recovered over $130 Million for clients with denied disability claims. Let us get you the money you deserve.

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What Can I Do If UnitedHealthcare Denied My Claim?

Every state has laws banning bad faith insurance practices. However, large insurance companies like UnitedHealthcare have resources at their disposal that can make filing a successful appeal difficult.

If your UnitedHealthcare claim was denied, please know: You do have legal rights and may still have options to secure the compensation you need.

Depending on your UnitedHealthcare long-term disability policy, you may be able to work with long-term disability denial attorneys to:

  • File a UnitedHealthcare disability appeal over your denied LTD claim
  • Request a second appeal if your initial appeal was denied
  • Submit a UnitedHealthcare complaint with your state’s Insurance Department
  • File a UnitedHealthcare disability lawsuit
  • Negotiate a UnitedHealthcare lawsuit settlement if possible
  • Take your case to court in some instances

Call (800) 995-1212 or fill out our contact form today to learn more about your legal options and see if we can help with your case.

“I can't express my gratitude enough to Sokolove Law for being my ally in this fight. They are the champions you need to fight for your rights.”
– Illinois Truck Driver with a Denied LTD Claim

UnitedHealthcare Claim Appeal Process: How to Fight a Denial

The UnitedHealthcare appeals process can be difficult to navigate on your own, as insurance companies may purposefully make the process confusing in hopes that you’ll give up on your claim.

At Sokolove Law, our team will work to make the appeals process as stress-free as possible, so you can focus on your health and loved ones. We have the experience and resources needed to appeal your insurer’s decision and fight for a UnitedHealthcare settlement on your behalf.

Insurance providers will look for any reason to deny your long-term disability claim, but our attorneys know their tactics and can build a strong appeal that withstands their scrutiny.

Long-term disability claims often get denied for lack of sufficient information like medical records and statements from your doctors, but we can gather all of the necessary evidence to support your appeal.

There are no upfront costs or hourly fees to work with our UnitedHealthcare disability insurance denial lawyers. We only get paid if we’re able to successfully recover compensation for you.

Don't Give Up on Your Benefits

We've helped thousands of clients across the country challenge their insurer's decision and secure the benefits they deserve. Contact us now to get started.

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What Happens After You Appeal a UnitedHealthcare Claim for Disability Denial

After you appeal your denied UnitedHealthcare claim, weeks may go by before you hear anything. You may need to check in with the insurer to make sure your appeal letter was received and ask how the appeal is progressing:

  • If your appeal is denied, you should consider working with a UnitedHealthcare disability attorney who may be able to request a second appeal and help strengthen your claim.
  • If your appeal is denied for a second time, it’s important to remember that you may still have options.

After you’ve gone through the appeals process, your legal team may be able to file a lawsuit for UnitedHealthcare long-term disability insurance to overturn the denial of your claim.

“Being in my 50s and unable to work due to the debilitating effects of cancer was a hard pill to swallow. But Sokolove Law gave me hope and the confidence to fight back. Their unwavering dedication paid off, and they secured a favorable resolution in my case.”
– New York Office Worker with a Denied LTD Claim

How to File a UnitedHealthcare Lawsuit for Denied Claims

A lawyer meets with a client

Depending on the specifics of your long-term disability policy, you’ll likely have to go through the appeals process before you can file a UnitedHealthcare bad faith lawsuit over a denied LTD claim.

Insurance companies usually have legal teams who are prepared to spare no expense fighting your case.

By working with Sokolove Law, you can even the playing field and put pressure on your insurance provider to pay you what you’re owed, whether it’s your benefits or UnitedHealthcare lawsuit settlements.

If you have a case, our attorneys can handle the appeals process and file a UnitedHealthcare lawsuit if necessary — before it’s too late to take action.

Deadlines on Filing UnitedHealthcare Lawsuits

Laws known as statutes of limitations restrict the amount of time you have to take legal action against insurance companies.

Once the deadline passes, you won’t have the opportunity to file a UnitedHealthcare disability denial lawsuit ever again.

This makes it incredibly important to contact Sokolove Law as soon as possible after your disability insurance claim is denied by UnitedHealthcare.

Our experienced UnitedHealthcare disability lawyers can help you understand the deadlines in your state and take action on your behalf before these deadlines pass.

Get Help with UnitedHealthcare Claim Denials

If your UnitedHealthcare long-term disability claim has been denied, you may have options to fight back and pursue your LTD benefits — and Sokolove Law may be able to help.

Over the last 40+ years, our long-term disability appeal attorneys have recovered over $130 Million on behalf of hardworking clients who were wrongfully denied their LTD benefits.

Call (800) 995-1212 or get a free case evaluation today to see if our UnitedHealthcare lawyers can help you.

UnitedHealthcare Denying Claims FAQs

Does UnitedHealthcare deny claims?

Unfortunately, yes. Like other long-term disability insurance providers, UnitedHealthcare has been involved in lawsuits regarding their wrongful denial of LTD claims.

If your UnitedHealthcare long-term disability claim was denied, our disability denial attorneys may be able to help you appeal their decision. Contact us today to learn more.

Why was my UnitedHealthcare long-term disability claim denied?

If your long-term disability benefits were denied, UnitedHealthcare may have claimed:

  • You failed to disclose a pre-existing health condition
  • Your medical examinations were insufficient or inadequate
  • There were problems with your paperwork or documentation
  • Your medical condition does not qualify as a “covered” disability
  • Your procedure was elective, not medically necessary

UnitedHealthcare claim denial tactics often include alleging a policyholder’s injury doesn’t prevent them from performing all workplace duties.

Even if you met all of the UnitedHealthcare long-term disability requirements, it’s possible they still denied your claim — but you do have legal rights and options. 

Call Sokolove Law now at (800) 995-1212 to get a free case review and learn more about your options.

Can I appeal UnitedHealthcare denied disability claims?

Yes. If your UnitedHealthcare long-term disability claim is denied, you can file an appeal, but insurance companies like UnitedHealthcare may look for reasons to not pay your disability benefits.

Any mistake on an appeal could end up costing you in the long run — but experienced UnitedHealthcare disability lawyers with Sokolove Law may be able to handle the paperwork and appeals process on your behalf.

Contact us to learn more about your options.

How do I file an appeal with UnitedHealthcare?

If UnitedHealthcare denied your claim, it is in your best interest to contact a long-term disability denial attorney for help challenging their decision and potentially recovering your benefits.

With experienced legal help on your side, you can focus on your health and recovery, while we focus on the appeals process. Learn more about your legal options today during a free case review.

Can I sue if UnitedHealthcare denied my claim?

Potentially, yes. If your UnitedHealthcare long-term disability claim has been denied and you’ve gone through the appeals process already, you may be eligible to file a UnitedHealthcare disability insurance lawsuit.

An attorney can help you determine if this is possible. Find out if you may be eligible to file a UnitedHealthcare lawsuit now by calling (800) 995-1212 or filling out our contact form.

How much does a UnitedHealthcare lawyer cost?

At Sokolove Law, our UnitedHealthcare LTD attorneys work on a contingency-fee basis, which means there are no upfront or out-of-pocket fees. We only get paid if your case results in compensation.

What are UnitedHealthcare insurance bad faith claims?

Bad faith claims against UnitedHealthcare long-term disability insurance involve disputes over denied or delayed benefit payments.

In these claims, some policyholders state that UnitedHealthcare did not fulfill its obligations or acted dishonestly or unfairly when handling their long-term insurance claims.

Are UnitedHealthcare claims for long-term disability benefits difficult?

Unfortunately, many UnitedHealthcare policyholders have found the company difficult to deal with. UnitedHealthcare has been accused of:

  • Delaying claims needlessly
  • Making unnecessary requests for information
  • Further complicating the claims process

If UnitedHealthcare denied your claim, call Sokolove Law now at (800) 995-1212 for help fighting back.

How much does UnitedHealthcare pay for long-term disability?

Employees enrolled in UnitedHealthcare's long-term disability benefits can choose between a few plans, but long-term disability plans will typically replace 60% of your pre-disability monthly income.

How long does it take UnitedHealthcare to process a claim?

Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1947 (ERISA), UnitedHealthcare has 45 days to review and respond to your initial claim. However, the company may request a 30-day extension to review your claim if they ask you to send additional information.

Between multiple requests for more information and additional extensions, the entire process could continue for up to 6 months. 

In some cases, insurance companies like UnitedHealthcare may purposefully delay claims, as you can't appeal without an official denial letter. If you believe UnitedHealthcare is using delay tactics with your claim, consider contacting an attorney as soon as possible.

How long does UnitedHealthcare long-term disability last?

The duration of UnitedHealthcare long-term disability benefits depends on how long your medical condition prevents you from working and the length of time noted in your specific policy.

UnitedHealthcare offers plans for 2, 3, or 5 year coverage. The company also has an option for long-term disability benefit payments until age 65. 

If UnitedHealthcare wrongfully denied or terminated your long-term disability benefits, get a free case review now to learn about your legal options.

  1. UnitedHealthcare. “Disability and absence management.” Retrieved from: https://www.uhc.com/employer/employer-resources/disability#:~:text=Based%20on%20the%20plan%20design,is%20the%20traditional%20retirement%20age. Accessed on October 3, 2023
  2. UnitedHealthcare. “Long Term Disability.” Retrieved from: https://www.uhceservices.com/content/dam/uhctogether/indiana/ancillary/life-and-disability/long-term-disability-member-welcome-brochure.pdf. Accessed October 3, 2023.