Asbestos Exposure on U.S. Navy Ships
Asbestos was once thought to be an ideal substance for military assets because it’s fireproof, lightweight, inexpensive, and corrosion-proof. Every branch of the military used asbestos, and thousands of U.S. Navy ships contained the substance.
In the U.S. Navy, asbestos was considered so vital that the government even mandated its use in shipbuilding. As a result, asbestos was used extensively on ships built from the late 1930s to the 1980s. The U.S. Navy fleet grew from 394 vessels in 1939 to nearly 7,000 in 1945 — due, in part, to asbestos.
However, when asbestos-containing products on U.S. Navy ships were disturbed, tiny asbestos fibers could be released into the air, putting anyone nearby in danger.
When breathed in or swallowed, asbestos fibers can become lodged in the body and cause irritation. Over time, this can lead to serious illnesses, including an aggresive cancer known as mesothelioma.
Much like those who suffered asbestos exposure on U.S. Navy ships, the military was also misled about the safety of this toxic mineral by the companies that made and sold products containing asbestos.
These companies had scientific and medical knowledge that asbestos could cause health problems, but they hid the risks from the public to maximize profits — at the expense of so many U.S. Navy veterans’ health.
The Risk of Mesothelioma on U.S. Navy Ships
Americans who served in the U.S. Navy fought to protect our freedoms. While many brave men and women lost their lives serving our nation, countless other U.S. Navy veterans now face another battle: mesothelioma.
Dangerous asbestos materials were used virtually everywhere in U.S. Navy ships for most of the 20th century. Now, U.S. Navy veterans face a very high risk of developing mesothelioma and lung cancer from being exposed to asbestos in ships.
Though the U.S. Navy greatly reduced their asbestos use in the 1980s, it was too late for the thousands of U.S. Navy personnel who had already been exposed. Symptoms can take 20-50 years to appear, so many veterans who served decades ago are only now getting sick.
“When I was in the U.S. Navy, our ship’s boiler blew up. The shipyard was brought in to fix the boiler. As they were cutting it open, I was standing on fire watch with a fire extinguisher in hand and sitting next to the boiler under where they were cutting. When they removed the metal, the worker discovered the asbestos.”
– UnDra, U.S. Navy Veteran & Asbestos Exposure Victim
How Was Asbestos in U.S. Navy Ships Used?
Since asbestos naturally traps heat and sound, it was used mainly as an insulator on U.S. Navy vessels to line, cover, or pad equipment to prevent fires aboard vessels and reduce any potential damage from enemy gunfire.
U.S. Navy ship parts that contained asbestos include:
- Adhesives
- Boilers, boiler linings, and heat shields
- Cables
- Caulk
- Ceiling and floor tiles
- Deck coverings
- Electrical coating
- Engines
- Gaskets and valves
- Grinders
- Insulation
- Lagging and rope
- Linings of steel wall plates and doors
- Meters
- Packing
- Paint
- Paneling
- Pipes, pipe insulation, and pipe coverings
- Pumps
- Thermal insulation
- Tubing
- Turbines
This list is not exhaustive. Because of how extensively asbestos was used on naval vessels, many different ship parts may have exposed you to asbestos during your service in the U.S. Navy.
By working with a mesothelioma law firm like Sokolove Law, you can get experienced legal help proving your asbestos exposure and building a case against the manufacturers of the asbestos-containing products responsible for your illness.

“I was surprised at the stuff that my mesothelioma lawyer knew. He just knew the names of all the pumps and the valves going far back….They were prepared. They could go back to Day 1.”
– Walter, U.S. Navy Veteran & Firm Client
Areas of U.S. Navy Ships with Asbestos
Asbestos was used to help protect different areas of U.S. Navy ships, especially those where heat, fire, and machinery posed significant risks.
Throughout naval ships, asbestos-containing products could be found in:
- Boiler rooms: Asbestos could be found in boiler insulation and other components to protect against high heat and steam.
- Crew living quarters: Asbestos-containing materials were often wrapped around pipes in rooms where sailors slept.
- Engine rooms: Since engines generate a lot of heat, insulation containing asbestos could be found throughout the machinery and pipes in this room.
- Galleys: Kitchens are often high-heat environments. Asbestos was used to prevent fires from cooking equipment like stoves and grills.
- Mess halls: Asbestos was used in insulation materials and throughout walls, floors, and ceiling tiles.
- Pump and propulsion rooms: In these critical areas of U.S. Navy ships, asbestos was used to insulate pumps, valves, and pipes to prevent overheating and protect equipment from extreme temperatures.
Members of the U.S. Navy had nowhere to escape from asbestos due to its widespread use on ships. Asbestos dust was virtually everywhere — and being packed in close quarters with poor ventilation didn’t help.
On land, asbestos could also be found in roofing, walls, and shingles across military bases, including in barracks and family housing.
As a result, service members who worked on U.S. Navy ships or in shipyards have the greatest risk of developing asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma and lung cancer.
U.S. Navy Ship Rates at High Risk of Asbestos Exposure
Because of how heavily asbestos was used on U.S. Navy vessels, asbestos exposure wasn’t limited to certain rates or occupations in the U.S. Navy. However, some rates put sailors at an even greater risk than others.
Rates on U.S. Navy ships with the highest risk of asbestos exposure include:
- Boiler Technician (BT): BTs maintain and repair all mechanisms related to the steam propulsion systems. They also test inventories and supplies of water and fuel and examine whether the engines are powered by electricity, gas, or nuclear energy. Unfortunately, boilers frequently used asbestos-containing parts.
- Electrician’s Mate (EM): EMs must operate and fix all of the electrical equipment onboard a U.S. Navy ship. Since asbestos doesn’t conduct electricity, it was often used to insulate wiring and maintain equipment.
- Engineman: Enginemen operate, service, and repair internal combustion engines used to power U.S. Navy ships. Asbestos was frequently used to maintain the engine and the area surrounding it.
- Gas Turbine System Technician (GS): GSs operate and maintain gas turbine engines, main propulsion machinery, and control systems. This includes gears, shafting, controllable pitch propellers, auxiliary equipment, and circuitry.
- Machinist’s Mate (MM): MMs operate and maintain equipment used for ship propulsion and auxiliary. Generators, pumps, oil purifiers, elevators, refrigeration plants, air conditioning systems, and desalination plants may have contained asbestos.
If you or a loved one developed mesothelioma after working on a U.S. Navy ship, you may be eligible for compensation that can help pay for medical bills, lost wages, and more.
Billions Recovered Nationwide
At Sokolove Law, we’ve recovered over $5.2 Billion for thousands of mesothelioma patients and their families nationwide. Let us get you the results you deserve.
Asbestos U.S. Navy Ships List
From aircraft carriers to submarines, U.S. Navy service members faced the risk of asbestos exposure on virtually any ship built before the early 1980s. We’ve compiled a list of U.S. Navy ships with asbestos-containing products on board.
If you have mesothelioma and served on any of the ships below, we may be able to help you:
- Raise your VA disability rating to 100%
- Secure VA benefits like free health care and monthly payments
- Pursue mesothelioma compensation from the companies that made or sold the asbestos-containing ship parts you were exposed to
Call (800) 647-3434 now to find out more about your legal options. It costs nothing to speak with our team.
Asbestos on Aircraft Carriers
- USS America (CV-66)
- USS Antietam (CV-36)
- USS Bataan (CVL-29)
- USS Belleau Wood (CVL-24)
- USS Bennington (CV-20)
- USS Bon Homme Richard
- (CV-31)
- USS Boxer (CV-21)
- USS Bunker Hill (CV-17)
- USS Cabot (CVL-28)
- USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70)
- USS Constellation (CV-64)
- USS Coral Sea (CVB-43)
- USS Cowpens (CVL-25)
- USS Dwight D. Eisenhower
- (CVN-69)
- USS Enterprise (CV-6)
- USS Enterprise (CVN-65)
- USS Essex (CV-9)
- USS Forrestal (CV-59)
- USS Franklin (CV-13)
- USS Franklin D. Roosevelt
- (CVB-42)
- USS Hancock (CV-19)
- USS Hornet (CV-8)
- USS Hornet (CV-12)
- USS Independence (CVL-22)
- USS Independence (CV-62)
- USS Intrepid (CV-11)
- USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67)
- USS Kearsarge (CV-33)
- USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63)
- USS Lake Champlain (CV-39)
- USS Langley (CV-1)
- USS Langley (CVL-27)
- USS Lexington (CV-2)
- USS Lexington (CV-16)
- USS Leyte (CV-32)
- USS Midway (CVB-41)
- USS Monterey (CVL-26)
- USS Nimitz (CVN-68)
- USS Oriskany (CV-34)
- USS Philippine Sea (CV-47)
- USS Princeton (CVL-23)
- USS Princeton (CV-37)
- USS Randolph (CV-15)
- USS Ranger (CV-4)
- USS Ranger (CV-61)
- USS Reprisal (CV-35)
- USS Saipan (CVL-48)
- USS San Jacinto (CVL-30)
- USS Saratoga (CV-3)
- USS Saratoga (CV-60)
- USS Shangri-la (CV-38)
- USS Tarawa (CV-40)
- USS Ticonderoga (CV-14)
- USS Valley Forge (CV-45)
- USS Wasp (CV-7)
- USS Wasp (CV-18)
- USS Wright (CVL-49)
- USS Yorktown (CV-5)
- USS Yorktown (CV-10)
Asbestos on Amphibious Warships
- USS Accomac
- USS Achernar
- USS Adair
- USS Adirondack
- USS Alamance
- USS Alamo
- USS Alchiba
- USS Alcyone
- USS Algol
- USS Algorab
- USS Alhena
- USS Allendale
- USS Almaack
- USS Alpine
- USS Alshain
- USS American Legion
- USS Amesbury
- USS Anchorage
- USS Ancon
- USS Andromeda
- USS Appalachian
- USS Appling
- USS Aquarius
- USS Arcturus
- USS Arenac
- USS Arneb
- USS Artemis
- USS Arthur L. Bristol
- USS Arthur Middleton
- USS Ashland
- USS Athene
- USS Attala
- USS Auburn
- USS Audrain
- USS Audubon
- USS Aurelia
- USS Austin
- USS Balduck
- USS Bandera
- USS Banner
- USS Barber
- USS Barnet
- USS Barnstable
- USS Barnwell
- USS Barr
- USS Barrow
- USS Barry
- USS Bassett
- USS Bates
- USS Baxter
- USS Bayfield
- USS Beckham
- USS Begor
- USS Belet
- USS Belknap
- USS Bellatrix
- USS Belle Grove
- USS Belleau Wood
- USS Benawah
- USS Bergen
- USS Berrien
- USS Betelgeuse
- USS Beverly W. Reid
- USS Bexar
- USS Bingham
- USS Birgit
- USS Biscayne
- USS Bladen
- USS Bland
- USS Blessman
- USS Block Island
- USS Blue Ridge
- USS Bolivar
- USS Bollinger
- USS Borum
- USS Bosque
- USS Botetourt
- USS Bottineau
- USS Bowers
- USS Bowie
- USS Boxer
- USS Bracken
- USS Braxton
- USS Bray
- USS Briscoe
- USS Broadwater
- USS Brock
- USS Bronx
- USS Brookings
- USS Brooks
- USS Brule
- USS Buckingham
- USS Bull
- USS Bunch
- USS Burdo
- USS Burke
- USS Burleigh
- USS Burleson
- USS Butte
- USS Cabildo
- USS Callaway
- USS Calvert
- USS Capricornus
- USS Carlisle
- USS Carpellotti
- USS Carronade
- USS Carter Hall
- USS Carteret
- USS Casa Grande
- USS Caswell
- USS Catamount
- USS Catoctin
- USS Catron
- USS Catskill
- USS Cavalier
- USS Cavallaro
- USS Cecil
- USS Centaurus
- USS Cepheus
- USS Chara
- USS Charles Carroll
- USS Charles Lawrence
- USS Charleston
- USS Chase
- USS Chilton
- USS Circe
- USS Clarendon
- USS Clarion River
- USS Clay
- USS Clearfield
- USS Cleburne
- USS Clemson
- USS Clermont
- USS Cleveland
- USS Clinton
- USS Coates
- USS Cofer
- USS Colbert
- USS Colhoun
- USS Colleton
- USS Collingsworth
- USS Colonial
- USS Colusa
- USS Comstock
- USS Cook
- USS Coronado
- USS Cortland
- USS Corvus
- USS Cottle
- USS Cread
- USS Crenshaw
- USS Crescent City
- USS Crittenden
- USS Crocket
- USS Crosby
- USS Crosley
- USS Cullman
- USS Custer
- USS Dade
- USS Dane
- USS Daniel T. Griffin
- USS Darke
- USS Dauphin
- USS Dawson
- USS DeLong
- USS Dent
- USS Denver
- USS Deuel
- USS Devosa
- USS Diachenko
- USS Dickens
- USS Dickerson
- USS Diphda
- USS Don O. Woods
- USS Donald W. Wolf
- USS Donner
- USS Dorchester
- USS Doyen
- USS Drew
- USS Dubuque
- USS Duluth
- USS Dupage
- USS Duplin
- USS Durham
- USS Durik
- USS Dutchess
- USS Earhart
- USS Earle B. Hall
- USS Eastland
- USS Edgecombe
- USS Effingham
- USS El Paso
- USS Eldorado
- USS Electra
- USS Elkhart
- USS Elmore
- USS England
- USS Enright
- USS Epping Forest
- USS Estes
- USS Fallon
- USS Fayette
- USS Feland
- USS Fergus
- USS Fillmore
- USS Fomalhaut
- USS Fond du Lac
- USS Fort Fisher
- USS Fort Mandan
- USS Fort Marion
- USS Fort Snelling
- USS Frament
- USS Francis Marion
- USS Francovich
- USS Frederick Funston
- USS Freestone
- USS Fremont
- USS Fuller
- USS Gage
- USS Gallatin
- USS Gantner
- USS Garrard
- USS Gasconade
- USS Geneva
- USS George Clymer
- USS George E. Badger
- USS George W. Ingram
- USS Gilliam
- USS Gilmer
- USS Glynn
- USS Goldsborough
- USS Goodhue
- USS Goshen
- USS Gosper
- USS Gosselin
- USS Grafton
- USS Granville
- USS Greene
- USS Gregory
- USS Griggs
- USS Grundy
- USS Guadalcanal
- USS Guam
- USS Guilford
- USS Gunston Hall
- USS Haines
- USS Hamblen
- USS Hampton
- USS Hanover
- USS Hansford
- USS Harris
- USS Harry L. Corl
- USS Harry Lee
- USS Haskell
- USS Hayter
- USS Hendry
- USS Henrico
- USS Henry T Allen
- USS Herbert
- USS Hermitage
- USS Heywood
- USS Highlands
- USS Hinsdale
- USS Hocking
- USS Hollis
- USS Hopping
- USS Horace A. Bass
- USS Hubbard
- USS Hulbert
- USS Humphreys
- USS Hunter Ligget
- USS Hunter Marshall
- USS Hyde
- USS Hydrus
- USS Inchon
- USS Ira Jeffery
- USS Iwo Jima
- USS J. Franklin Bell
- USS Jack C. Robinson
- USS James O’Hara
- USS Jenks
- USS Jerauld
- USS John P. Gray
- USS John Penn
- USS John Q. Roberts
- USS Joseph E. Campbell
- USS Joseph M. Auman
- USS Joseph T. Dickman
- USS Julius A. Raven
- USS Juneau
- USS Kane
- USS Karnes
- USS Kenton
- USS Kephart
- USS Kershaw
- USS Kilty
- USS Kingsbury
- USS Kinzer
- USS Kirwin
- USS Kittson
- USS Kleinsmith
- USS Kline
- USS Knox
- USS Knudson
- USS La Grange
- USS La Porte
- USS Lacerta
- USS Lamar
- USS Lander
- USS Lanier
- USS Laning
- USS LaSalle
- USS Latimer
- USS Lauderdale
- USS Laurens
- USS Lavaca
- USS Lee Fox
- USS Leedstown
- USS Lenawee
- USS Lenoir
- USS Leo
- USS Leon
- USS Leonard Wood
- USS Libra
- USS Liddle
- USS Lindenwald
- USS Little
- USS Lloyd
- USS Logan
- USS Lowndes
- USS Loy
- USS Lubbock
- USS Lumen
- USS Lycoming
- USS Magoffin
- USS Maloy
- USS Manley
- USS Marquette
- USS Marvin H. McIntyre
- USS Mathews
- USS McCawley
- USS McCracken
- USS McFarland
- USS McKean
- USS Medea
- USS Mellena
- USS Mellette
- USS Menard
- USS Mendocino
- USS Menifee
- USS Mercer
- USS Meriwether
- USS Merrick
- USS Mifflin
- USS Missoula
- USS Mobile
- USS Monitor
- USS Monrovia
- USS Montague
- USS Montauk
- USS Monticello
- USS Montour
- USS Montrose
- USS Mount McKinley
- USS Mount Olympus
- USS Mount Vernon
- USS Mount Whitney
- USS Mountrail
- USS Muliphen
- USS Myers
- USS Napa
- USS Nashville
- USS Nassau
- USS Natrona
- USS Navarro
- USS Neshoba
- USS Neville
- USS New Hanover
- USS New Kent
- USS New Orleans
- USS Newberry
- USS Newman
- USS Niagara
- USS Noa
- USS Noble
- USS Oak Hill
- USS Oberon
- USS Oconto
- USS Odum
- USS Ogden
- USS Oglethorpe
- USS Okaloosa
- USS Okanogan
- USS Okinawa
- USS Olmstead
- USS Oneida
- USS Ormsby
- USS Osage
- USS Osmond Ingram
- USS Ostara
- USS Ottawa
- USS Overton
- USS Oxford
- USS Ozark
- USS Pamina
- USS Panamint
- USS Paul Revere
- USS Pavlic
- USS Peleliu
- USS Pensacola
- USS Pickaway
- USS Pickens
- USS Pierce
- USS Pit
- USS Plymouth Rock
- USS Pocono
- USS Point Defiance
- USS Polana
- USS Ponce
- USS Pondera
- USS Portland
- USS Prentiss
- USS President Adams
- USS President Hayes
- USS President Jackson
- USS Presidio
- USS Princeton
- USS Procyon
- USS Queens
- USS Raleigh
- USS Randall
- USS Rankin
- USS Rathburne
- USS Rawlins
- USS Ray K. Edwards
- USS Raymon W. Herndon
- USS Rednour
- USS Reeves
- USS Register
- USS Renate
- USS Renville
- USS Ringness
- USS Riverside
- USS Rockbridge
- USS Rockingham
- USS Rockwall
- USS Rocky Mount
- USS Rogers Blood
- USS Rolette
- USS Roper
- USS Roxane
- USS Ruchamkin
- USS Runels
- USS Rushmore
- USS Rutland
- USS Saint Croix
- USS Saipan
- USS Samuel Chase
- USS San Marcos
- USS San Saba
- USS Sanborn
- USS Sandoval
- USS Sands
- USS Sappho
- USS Sarasota
- USS Sarita
- USS Saugus
- USS Scania
- USS Schley
- USS Schmit
- USS Scott
- USS Scribner
- USS Selinur
- USS Seminole
- USS Sevier
- USS Shadwell
- USS Shelby
- USS Sheliak
- USS Sherburne
- USS Sheridan
- USS Shoshone
- USS Shreveport
- USS Sibley
- USS Sidonia
- USS Sims
- USS Sirona
- USS Sitka
- USS Skagit
- USS Southampton
- USS Spiegel Grove
- USS St. Louis
- USS St. Mary’s
- USS Starr
- USS Stokes
- USS Stringham
- USS Suffolk
- USS Sumter
- USS Sylvania
- USS Tabora
- USS Taconic
- USS Talbot
- USS Talladega
- USS Tarawa
- USS Tate
- USS Tattnall
- USS Tatum
- USS Tazewell
- USS Telfair
- USS Teton
- USS Theenim
- USS Thetis Bay
- USS Thomas Jefferson
- USS Thomas Stone
- USS Thomaston
- USS Thuban
- USS Titania
- USS Todd
- USS Tolland
- USS Tollberg
- USS Torrance
- USS Tortuga
- USS Towner
- USS Trego
- USS Trenton
- USS Tripoli
- USS Troilus
- USS Trousdale
- USS Truxtun
- USS Tulare
- USS Turandot
- USS Tyrrell
- USS Union
- USS Upham
- USS Uvalde
- USS Valencia
- USS Valeria
- USS Valley Forge
- USS Vanadis
- USS Vancouver
- USS Venango
- USS Veritas
- USS Vermilion
- USS Vinton
- USS Virgo
- USS Walsh
- USS Walter B. Cobb
- USS Walter S. Gorka
- USS Walter X. Young
- USS Wantuck
- USS Ward
- USS Warren
- USS Warrick
- USS Wasatch
- USS Washburn
- USS Waters
- USS Wayne
- USS Weber
- USS Weiss
- USS Westmoreland
- USS Wheatland
- USS Whetstone
- USS White Marsh
- USS Whiteside
- USS Whitley
- USS William
- USS William J. Pattison
- USS William M. Hobby
- USS Williamsburg
- USS Williamson
- USS Windsor
- USS Winston
- USS Witter
- USS Woodford
- USS Wyandot
- USS Xenia
- USS Yancey
- USS Yokes
- USS Zeilin
- USS Zenobia
Asbestos on Auxiliary Ships
- Advanced Auxiliary Dry Cargo Ships (AKE)
- Aircraft Escort Vessels (AVG)
- Aircraft Ferry (AKV)
- Ammunition Ships (AE)
- Attack Cargo Ship (AKA)
- Auxiliary Aircraft Transports (AVT)
- Battle Damage Repair Ships (ARB)
- Cable Repair Ships (ARC)
- Cargo Ships (AK)
- Colliers (AC)
- Combat Store Ships (AFS)
- Command Ships (AGF)
- Crane Ships (AB)
- Destroyer Tenders (AD)
- Distilling Ships (AW)
- Environmental Research Ships (AGER)
- Fast Combat Support Ships (AOE)
- Fleet Ocean Tugs (ATF)
- Gasoline Tankers (AOG)
- Hospital Ships (AH)
- Icebreakers (AGB)
- Internal Combustion Engine Repair Ships (ARG)
- Landing Craft Repair Ships (ARL)
- Major Communication Relay Ships (AGMR)
- Miscellaneous Auxiliaries (AG)
- Motor Torpedo Boat Tenders (AGP)
- Net Cargo Ships (AKN)
- Net Laying Ships (AN)
- Non-self-propelled Barracks Ship (APL)
- Oceanographic Research Ship (AGOR)
- Ocean Tugs (AT)
- Oiler, or Fuel Oil Tankers (AO)
- Repair Ships (AR)
- Replenishment Oilers (AOR)
- Salvage Ships (ARS)
- Seaplane Tenders (AV)
- Seaplane Tenders, Destroyer (AVD)
- Small Seaplane Tenders (AVP)
- Store Ships (AF)
- Stores Issue Ships (AKS)
- Submarine Rescue Ships (ASR)
- Submarine Tenders (AS)
- Survey Ship (AGS)
- Technical Research Ships (AGTR)
- Transports (AP)
- Unclassified Ships (IX)
- Vehicle Cargo Ship (AKR)
- World War I Acquired Vessels (ID)
Asbestos on Battleships
- USS Alabama
- USS Arizona
- USS Arkansas
- USS California
- USS Colorado
- USS Delaware
- USS Florida
- USS Idaho
- USS Indiana
- USS Iowa
- USS Kansas
- USS Maryland
- USS Massachusetts
- USS Michigan
- USS Minnesota
- USS Mississippi
- USS Missouri
- USS Nevada
- USS New Hampshire
- USS New Jersey
- USS New Mexico
- USS New York
- USS North Carolina
- USS North Dakota
- USS Oklahoma
- USS Pennsylvania
- USS South Carolina
- USS South Dakota
- USS Tennessee
- USS Texas
- USS Utah
- USS Vermont
- USS Washington
- USS West Virginia
- USS Wisconsin
- USS Wyoming
Asbestos on Cruisers
- USS Alaska
- USS Albany
- USS Amsterdam
- USS Arkansas
- USS Astoria
- USS Atlanta
- USS Augusta
- USS Bainbridge
- USS Baltimore
- USS Belknap
- USS Biddle
- USS Biloxi
- USS Birmingham
- USS Boise
- USS Boston
- USS Bremerton
- USS Brooklyn
- USS Buffalo
- USS Bunker Hill
- USS California
- USS Canberra
- USS Chester
- USS Chicago
- USS Cincinnati
- USS Cleveland
- USS Columbia
- USS Columbus
- USS Concord
- USS Dale
- USS Dayton
- USS Denver
- USS Des Moines
- USS Detroit
- USS Duluth
- USS England
- USS Fall River
- USS Fargo
- USS Flint
- USS Fox
- USS Fresno
- USS Galveston
- USS Gridley
- USS Guam
- USS Halsey
- USS Harry E. Yarnell
- USS Helena
- USS Honolulu
- USS Horne
- USS Houston
- USS Huntington
- USS Indianapolis
- USS Josephus Daniels
- USS Jouett
- USS Juneau
- USS Leahy
- USS Little Rock
- USS Long Beach
- USS Los Angeles
- USS Louisville
- USS Macon
- USS Manchester
- USS Marblehead
- USS Memphis
- USS Miami
- USS Milwaukee
- USS Minneapolis
- USS Mississippi
- USS Missoula
- USS Mobile
- USS Montana
- USS Montpelier
- USS Nashville
- USS New Haven
- USS New Orleans
- USS Newark
- USS Newport News
- USS Northampton
- USS Oakland
- USS Oklahoma City
- USS Omaha
- USS Oregon City
- USS Pasadena
- USS Pensacola
- USS Philadelphia
- USS Phoenix
- USS Pittsburgh
- USS Portland
- USS Portsmouth
- USS Providence
- USS Quincy
- USS Raleigh
- USS Reeves
- USS Reno
- USS Richmond
- USS Richmond K. Turner
- USS Roanoke
- USS Rochester
- USS Salem
- USS Salt Lake City
- USS San Diego
- USS San Francisco
- USS San Juan
- USS Santa Fe
- USS Savannah
- USS Seattle
- USS South Carolina
- USS Spokane
- USS Springfield
- USS St. Louis
- USS St. Paul
- USS Sterett
- USS Tallahassee
- USS Texas
- USS Ticonderoga
- USS Toledo
- USS Topeka
- USS Trenton
- USS Truxtun
- USS Tucson
- USS Tuscaloosa
- USS Valley Forge
- USS Vicksburg
- USS Vincennes
- USS Virginia
- USS Washington
- USS Wichita
- USS Wilkes-Barre
- USS William H. Standley
- USS Wilmington
- USS Worcester
- USS Worden
- USS Yorktown
Asbestos on Cutters
- USCGC Absecon (WHEC-374)
- USCGC Active (WMEC-618)
- USCGC Acushnet (WMEC-167)
- USCGC Alert (WMEC-630)
- USCGC Androscoggin (WHEC-68)
- USCGC Barataria (WHEC-381)
- USCGC Bering Strait (WHEC-382)
- USCGC Bibb (WPG-31)
- USCGC Boutwell (WHEC-719)
- USCGC Campbell (WPG-32)
- USCGC Casco (WHEC-370)
- USCGC Castle Rock (WHEC-383)
- USCGC Chase (WHEC-718)
- USCGC Chautauqua (WHEC-41)
- USCGC Chincoteague (WHEC-375)
- USCGC Confidence (WMEC-619)
- USCGC Cook Inlet (WHEC-384)
- USCGC Coos Bay (WHEC-376)
- USCGC Courageous (WMEC-622)
- USCGC Dallas (WHEC-716)
- USCGC Dauntless (WMEC-624)
- USCGC Decisive (WMEC-629)
- USCGC Dependable (WMEC-626)
- USCGC Dexter (WHEC-385)
- USCGC Diligence (WMEC-616)
- USCGC Duane (WPG-33)
- USCGC Durable (WMEC-628)
- USCGC Escanaba (WHEC-64)
- USCGC Escape (WMEC-6)
- USCGC Gallatin (WHEC-721)
- USCGC Gresham (WHEC-387)
- USCGC Haida (WPG-45)
- USCGC Half Moon (WHEC-378)
- USCGC Hamilton (WHEC-715)
- USCGC Hamilton (WPG-34)
- USCGC Humboldt (WHEC-372)
- USCGC Ingham (WPG-35)
- USCGC Iroquois (WHEC-43)
- USCGC Jarvis (WHEC-725)
- USCGC Klamath (WHEC-66)
- USCGC Mackinac (WHEC-373)
- USCGC Matagora (WHEC-371)
- USCGC McCulloch (WHEC-386)
- USCGC Mellon (WHEC-717)
- USCGC Mendota (WHEC-69)
- USCGC Midgett (WHEC-726)
- USCGC Minnetonka (WHEC-67)
- USCGC Modoc (WPG-46)
- USCGC Mojave (WPG-47)
- USCGC Morgenthau (WHEC-70)
- USCGC Munro (WHEC-724)
- USCGC Owasco (WHEC-39)
- USCGC Pontchartrain (WHEC-70)
- USCGC Reliance (WMEC-615)
- USCGC Resolute (WMEC-620)
- USCGC Rockaway (WHEC-377)
- USCGC Rush (WHEC-723)
- USCGC Sebago (WHEC-42)
- USCGC Sherman (WHEC-720)
- USCGC Spencer (WPG-36)
- USCGC Steadfast (WMEC-623)
- USCGC Tampa (WPG-48)
- USCGC Taney (WPG-37)
- USCGC Unimak (WHEC-379)
- USCGC Valiant (WMEC-621)
- USCGC Venturous (WMEC-625)
- USCGC Vigilant (WMEC-617)
- USCGC Vigorous (WMEC-627)
- USCGC Wachusett (WHEC-44)
- USCGC Winnebago (WHEC-40)
- USCGC Winona (WHEC-65)
- USCGC Yakutat (WHEC-380)
- USCGC Yocona
Asbestos on Destroyers
- USS Aaron Ward (DD-132)
- USS Aaron Ward (DD-483)
- USS Aaron Ward (DD-773)
- USS Abbot (DD-184)
- USS Abbot (DD-629)
- USS Abel P. Upshur (DD-193)
- USS Abner Read (DD-526)
- USS Adams (DD-739)
- USS Agerholm (DD-826)
- USS Albert W. Grant (DD-649)
- USS Alden (DD-211)
- USS Alfred A. Cunningham (DD-752)
- USS Allen (DD-66)
- USS Allen M. Sumner (DD-692)
- USS Ammen (DD-35)
- USS Anderson (DD-411)
- USS Anthony (DD-172)
- USS Arnold J. Isbell (DD-869)
- USS Arthur W. Radford (DD-968)
- USS Aulick (DD-258)
- USS Ault (DD-698)
- USS Aylwin (DD-355)
- USS Babbitt (DD-128)
- USS Bache (DD-470)
- USS Badger (DD-126)
- USS Bagley (DD-185)
- USS Bailey (DD-269)
- USS Bainbridge (DD-1)
- USS Balch (DD-363)
- USS Baldwin (DD-624)
- USS Ballard (DD-267)
- USS Bancroft (DD-256)
- USS Barker (DD-213)
- USS Barney (DD-149)
- USS Barney (DD-956)
- USS Barry (DD-2)
- USS Barry (DD-248)
- USS Barry (DD-933)
- USS Barton (DD-599)
- USS Barton (DD-722)
- USS Basilone (DD-824)
- USS Bausell (DD-845)
- USS Beale (DD-40)
- USS Beale (DD-471)
- USS Bearss (DD-654)
- USS Beatty (DD-640)
- USS Beatty (DD-756)
- USS Belknap (DD-251)
- USS Bell (DD-587)
- USS Bell (DD-95)
- USS Benham (DD-49)
- USS Benham (DD-397)
- USS Benham (DD-796)
- USS Benner (DD-807)
- USS Bennett (DD-473)
- USS Bennion (DD-662)
- USS Benson (DD-421)
- USS Bernadou (DD-153)
- USS Biddle (DD-151)
- USS Biddle (DD-955)
- USS Bigelow (DD-942)
- USS Billingsley (DD-293)
- USS Black (DD-666)
- USS Blakeley (DD-150)
- USS Blandy (DD-943)
- USS Blue (DD-387)
- USS Blue (DD-744)
- USS Boggs (DD-136)
- USS Bordelon (DD-881)
- USS Borie (DD-215)
- USS Borie (DD-704)
- USS Boyd (DD-544)
- USS Boyle (DD-600)
- USS Bradford (DD-545)
- USS Braine (DD-630)
- USS Branch (DD-197)
- USS Breck (DD-283)
- USS Breckinridge (DD-148)
- USS Breese (DD-122)
- USS Brinkley Bass (DD-887)
- USS Briscoe (DD-977)
- USS Bristol (DD-453)
- USS Bristol (DD-857)
- USS Brooks (DD-232)
- USS Broome (DD-210)
- USS Brown (DD-546)
- USS Brownson (DD-518)
- USS Brownson (DD-868)
- USS Bruce (DD-329)
- USS Brush (DD-745)
- USS Bryant (DD-665)
- USS Buchanan (DD-131)
- USS Buchanan (DD-484)
- USS Buck (DD-420)
- USS Buck (DD-761)
- USS Bullard (DD-660)
- USS Bulmer (DD-222)
- USS Burns (DD-171)
- USS Burns (DD-588)
- USS Burrows (DD-29)
- USS Bush (DD-166)
- USS Bush (DD-529)
- USS Butler (DD-636)
- USS Caldwell (DD-605)
- USS Caldwell (DD-69)
- USS Callaghan (DD-792)
- USS Callaghan (DD-994)
- USS Caperton (DD-650)
- USS Capps (DD-550)
- USS Carmick (DD-493/DMS-33)
- USS Caron (DD-970)
- USS Carpenter (DD-825)
- USS Case (DD-285)
- USS Case (DD-370)
- USS Cassin (DD-372)
- USS Cassin (DD-43)
- USS Cassin Young (DD-793)
- USS Champlin (DD-104)
- USS Champlin (DD-601)
- USS Chandler (DD-206)
- USS Chandler (DD-996)
- USS Charles Ausburn (DD-294)
- USS Charles Ausburne (DD-570)
- USS Charles F. Adams (DD-952)
- USS Charles F. Hughes (DD-428)
- USS Charles H. Roan (DD-853)
- USS Charles J. Badger (DD-657)
- USS Charles P. Cecil (DD-835/DDR-835)
- USS Charles R. Ware (DD-865)
- USS Charles S. Sperry (DD-697)
- USS Charrette (DD-581)
- USS Chase (DD-323)
- USS Chauncey (DD-296)
- USS Chauncey (DD-3)
- USS Chauncey (DD-667)
- USS Chevalier (DD-451)
- USS Chevalier (DD-805)
- USS Chew (DD-106)
- USS Childs (DD-241)
- USS Clarence K. Bronson (DD-668)
- USS Clark (DD-361)
- USS Claxton (DD-140)
- USS Claxton (DD-571)
- USS Clemson (DD-186)
- USS Coghlan (DD-326)
- USS Coghlan (DD-606)
- USS Cogswell (DD-651)
- USS Colahan (DD-658)
- USS Cole (DD-155)
- USS Colhoun (DD-801)
- USS Colhoun (DD-85/APD-2)
- USS Collett (DD-730)
- USS Compton (DD-705)
- USS Comte de Grasse (DD-974)
- USS Cone (DD-866)
- USS Conner (DD-582)
- USS Conner (DD-72)
- USS Conolly (DD-979)
- USS Converse (DD-291)
- USS Converse (DD-509)
- USS Conway (DD/DDE-507)
- USS Cony (DD/DDE-508)
- USS Conyngham (DD-371)
- USS Conyngham (DD-58)
- USS Cooper (DD-695)
- USS Corry (DD-334)
- USS Corry (DD-463)
- USS Corry (DD-817)
- USS Cotten (DD-669)
- USS Cowell (DD-167)
- USS Cowell (DD-547)
- USS Cowie (DD-632)
- USS Crane (DD-109)
- USS Craven (DD-382)
- USS Craven (DD-70)
- USS Crosby (DD-164)
- USS Crowninshield (DD-134)
- USS Cummings (DD-365)
- USS Cummings (DD-44)
- USS Cushing (DD-376)
- USS Cushing (DD-55)
- USS Cushing (DD-797)
- USS Cushing (DD-985)
- USS Dahlgren (DD-187)
- USS Dale (DD-290)
- USS Dale (DD-353)
- USS Dale (DD-4)
- USS Dallas (DD-199)
- USS Daly (DD-519)
- USS Damato (DD-871)
- USS Dashiell (DD-659)
- USS David R. Ray (DD-971)
- USS David W. Taylor (DD-551)
- USS Davis (DD-395)
- USS Davis (DD-65)
- USS Davis (DD-937)
- USS Davison (DD-618)
- USS De Haven (DD-469)
- USS De Haven (DD-727)
- USS Decatur (DD-341)
- USS Decatur (DD-5)
- USS Decatur (DD-936)
- USS DeLong (DD-129)
- USS Delphy (DD-261)
- USS Dennis J. Buckley (DD-808)
- USS Dent (DD-116)
- USS Dewey (DD-349)
- USS Deyo (DD-989)
- USS Dickerson (DD-157)
- USS Doran (DD-634)
- USS Dorsey (DD-117)
- USS Dortch (DD-670)
- USS Douglas H. Fox (DD-779)
- USS Downes (DD-375)
- USS Downes (DD-45)
- USS Doyen (DD-280)
- USS Doyle (DD-494/DMS-34)
- USS Drayton (DD-23)
- USS Drayton (DD-366)
- USS Drexler (DD-741)
- USS Du Pont (DD-152)
- USS Du Pont (DD-941)
- USS Duncan (DD-46)
- USS Duncan (DD-485)
- USS Duncan (DD-874)
- USS Dunlap (DD-384)
- USS Dyer (DD-84)
- USS Dyson (DD-572)
- USS Earle (DD-635)
- USS Eaton (DD-510/DDE-510)
- USS Eberle (DD-430)
- USS Edison (DD-439)
- USS Edsall (DD-219)
- USS Edson (DD-946)
- USS Edwards (DD-265)
- USS Edwards (DD-619)
- USS Ellet (DD-398)
- USS Elliot (DD-146)
- USS Elliot (DD-967)
- USS Ellis (DD-154)
- USS Ellyson (DD-454)
- USS Emmons (DD-457)
- USS Endicott (DD-495)
- USS English (DD-696)
- USS Epperson (DD-719)
- USS Erben (DD-631)
- USS Ericsson (DD-440)
- USS Ericsson (DD-56)
- USS Ernest G. Small (DD-838)
- USS Eugene A. Greene (DD-711)
- USS Evans (DD-552)
- USS Evans (DD-78)
- USS Everett F. Larson (DD-830)
- USS Eversole (DD-789)
- USS Fairfax (DD-93)
- USS Fanning (DD-37)
- USS Fanning (DD-385)
- USS Farenholt (DD-332)
- USS Farenholt (DD-491)
- USS Farquhar (DD-304)
- USS Farragut (DD-300)
- USS Farragut (DD-348)
- USS Fechteler (DD-870)
- USS Fife (DD-991)
- USS Fiske (DD-842/DDR-842)
- USS Fitch (DD-462)
- USS Fletcher (DD-445)
- USS Fletcher (DD-992)
- USS Floyd B. Parks (DD-884)
- USS Flusser (DD-20)
- USS Flusser (DD-289)
- USS Flusser (DD-368)
- USS Foote (DD-169)
- USS Foote (DD-511)
- USS Forrest (DD-461)
- USS Forrest Royal (DD-872)
- USS Forrest Sherman (DD-931)
- USS Fox (DD-234)
- USS Frank E. Evans (DD-754)
- USS Frank Knox (DD-742)
- USS Frankford (DD-497)
- USS Franks (DD-554)
- USS Frazier (DD-607)
- USS Fred T. Berry (DD-858)
- USS Fullam (DD-474)
- USS Fuller (DD-297)
- USS Furse (DD-882)
- USS Gainard (DD-706)
- USS Gamble (DD-123)
- USS Gansevoort (DD-608)
- USS Gatling (DD-671)
- USS Gearing (DD-710)
- USS George E. Badger (DD-196)
- USS George K. MacKenzie (DD-836)
- USS Gherardi (DD-637)
- USS Gillespie (DD-609)
- USS Gillis (DD-260)
- USS Gilmer (DD-233)
- USS Gleaves (DD-423)
- USS Glennon (DD-620)
- USS Glennon (DD-840)
- USS Goff (DD-247)
- USS Goldsborough (DD-188)
- USS Goodrich (DD-831)
- USS Graham (DD-192)
- USS Grayson (DD-435)
- USS Greene (DD-266)
- USS Greer (DD-145)
- USS Gregory (DD-802)
- USS Gregory (DD-82)
- USS Gridley (DD-380)
- USS Gridley (DD-92)
- USS Guest (DD-472)
- USS Gurke (DD-783)
- USS Gwin (DD-433)
- USS Gwin (DD-71)
- USS Gwin (DD-772)
- USS Gyatt (DD-712)
- USS Haggard (DD-555)
- USS Hailey (DD-556)
- USS Hale (DD-133)
- USS Hale (DD-642)
- USS Halford (DD-480)
- USS Hall (DD-583)
- USS Halligan (DD-584)
- USS Halsey Powell (DD-686)
- USS Hambleton (DD-455)
- USS Hamilton (DD-141)
- USS Hammann (DD-412)
- USS Hamner (DD-718)
- USS Hank (DD-702)
- USS Hanson (DD-832)
- USS Haraden (DD-183)
- USS Haraden (DD-585)
- USS Harding (DD-625)
- USS Harding (DD-91)
- USS Harlan R. Dickson (DD-708)
- USS Harold J. Ellison (DD-864)
- USS Harrison (DD-573)
- USS Harry E. Hubbard (DD-748)
- USS Harry F. Bauer (DD-738)
- USS Harry W. Hill (DD-986)
- USS Hart (DD-110)
- USS Hart (DD-594)
- USS Harwood (DD-861)
- USS Hatfield (DD-231)
- USS Hawkins (DD-873)
- USS Hayler (DD-997)
- USS Haynsworth (DD-700)
- USS Hazelwood (DD-107)
- USS Hazelwood (DD-531)
- USS Healy (DD-672)
- USS Heermann (DD-532)
- USS Helm (DD-388)
- USS Henderson (DD-785)
- USS Henley (DD-39)
- USS Henley (DD-391)
- USS Henley (DD-762)
- USS Henry A. Wiley (DD-749)
- USS Henry B. Wilson (DD-957)
- USS Henry W. Tucker (DD-875)
- USS Henshaw (DD-278)
- USS Herbert (DD-160)
- USS Herbert J. Thomas (DD833/DDR-833)
- USS Herndon (DD-198)
- USS Herndon (DD-638)
- USS Hewitt (DD-966)
- USS Heywood L. Edwards (DD-663)
- USS Hickox (DD-673)
- USS Higbee (DD-806)
- USS Hilary P. Jones (DD-427)
- USS Hobby (DD-610)
- USS Hobson (DD-464)
- USS Hoel (DD-533)
- USS Hogan (DD-178)
- USS Holder (DD-819)
- USS Hollister (DD-788)
- USS Hopewell (DD-181)
- USS Hopewell (DD-681)
- USS Hopkins (DD-249)
- USS Hopkins (DD-6)
- USS Hovey (DD-208)
- USS Howard (DD-179)
- USS Howorth (DD-592)
- USS Hudson (DD-475)
- USS Hugh Purvis (DD-709)
- USS Hugh W. Hadley (DD-774)
- USS Hughes (DD-410)
- USS Hulburt (DD-342)
- USS Hull (DD-330)
- USS Hull (DD-350)
- USS Hull (DD-7)
- USS Hull (DD-945)
- USS Humphreys (DD-236)
- USS Hunt (DD-194)
- USS Hunt (DD-674)
- USS Hutchins (DD-476)
- USS Hyman (DD-732)
- USS Ingersoll (DD-652)
- USS Ingersoll (DD-990)
- USS Ingraham (DD-111)
- USS Ingraham (DD-444)
- USS Ingraham (DD-694)
- USS Irwin (DD-794)
- USS Isherwood (DD-284)
- USS Isherwood (DD-520)
- USS Israel (DD-98)
- USS Izard (DD-589)
- USS J. Fred Talbott (DD-156)
- USS J. William Ditter (DD-751)
- USS Jacob Jones (DD-130)
- USS Jacob Jones (DD-61)
- USS James C. Owens (DD-776)
- USS James E. Kyes (DD-787)
- USS James K. Paulding (DD-238)
- USS Jarvis (DD-38)
- USS Jarvis (DD-393)
- USS Jarvis (DD-799)
- USS Jeffers (DD-621)
- USS Jenkins (DD-42)
- USS Jenkins (DD-447)
- USS John A. Bole (DD-755)
- USS John D. Edwards (DD-216)
- USS John D. Ford (DD-228)
- USS John D. Henley (DD-553)
- USS John Francis Burnes (DD-229)
- USS John Hancock (DD-981)
- USS John Hood (DD-655)
- USS John King (DD-953)
- USS John Paul Jones (DD-932)
- USS John R. Craig (DD-885)
- USS John Rodgers (DD-574)
- USS John Rodgers (DD-983)
- USS John S. McCain (DD-928)
- USS John W. Thomason (DD-760)
- USS John W. Weeks (DD-701)
- USS John Young (DD-973)
- USS Johnston (DD-557)
- USS Johnston (DD-821)
- USS Jonas Ingram (DD-938)
- USS Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. (DD-850)
- USS Jouett (DD-396)
- USS Jouett (DD-41)
- USS Kalk (DD-170)
- USS Kalk (DD-611)
- USS Kane (DD-235)
- USS Kearny (DD-432)
- USS Kendrick (DD-612)
- USS Kennedy (DD-306)
- USS Kenneth D. Bailey (DD-713)
- USS Kennison (DD-138)
- USS Keppler (DD-765)
- USS Kidd (DD-993)
- USS Kidd (DD-661)
- USS Kidder (DD-319)
- USS Killen (DD-593)
- USS Kilty (DD-137)
- USS Kimberly (DD-80)
- USS Kimberly (DD-521)
- USS King (DD-242)
- USS Kinkaid (DD-965)
- USS Knapp (DD-653)
- USS Knight (DD-633)
- USS La Vallette (DD-315)
- USS La Vallette (DD-448)
- USS Laffey (DD-459)
- USS Laffey (DD-724)
- USS Lamberton (DD-119)
- USS Lamson (DD-18)
- USS Lamson (DD-328)
- USS Lamson (DD-367)
- USS Lang (DD-399)
- USS Lansdale (DD-101)
- USS Lansdale (DD-426)
- USS Lansdale (DD-766)
- USS Lansdowne (DD-486)
- USS Lardner (DD-286)
- USS Lardner (DD-487)
- USS Laub (DD-263)
- USS Laub (DD-613)
- USS Lawrence (DD-250)
- USS Lawrence (DD-8)
- USS Lawrence (DD-954)
- USS Laws (DD-558)
- USS Lea (DD-118)
- USS Leary (DD-158)
- USS Leary (DD-879)
- USS Leftwich (DD-984)
- USS Leonard F. Mason (DD-852)
- USS Leutze (DD-481)
- USS Lewis Hancock (DD-675)
- USS Lindsey (DD-771)
- USS Litchfield (DD-336)
- USS Little (DD-79)
- USS Little (DD-803)
- USS Livermore (DD-429)
- USS Lloyd Thomas (DD-764)
- USS Lofberg (DD-759)
- USS Long (DD-209)
- USS Longshaw (DD-559)
- USS Lowry (DD-770)
- USS Luce (DD-522)
- USS Luce (DD-99)
- USS Ludlow (DD-112)
- USS Ludlow (DD-438)
- USS Lyman K. Swenson (DD-729)
- USS Lynde McCormick (DD-958)
- USS Macdonough (DD-331)
- USS Macdonough (DD-351)
- USS Macdonough (DD-9)
- USS MacKenzie (DD-175)
- USS MacKenzie (DD-614)
- USS MacLeish (DD-220)
- USS Macomb (DD-458)
- USS Maddox (DD-168)
- USS Maddox (DD-622)
- USS Maddox (DD-731)
- USS Madison (DD-425)
- USS Mahan (DD-102)
- USS Mahan (DD-364)
- USS Manley (DD-74)
- USS Manley (DD-940)
- USS Mannert L. Abele (DD-733)
- USS Mansfield (DD-728)
- USS Marcus (DD-321)
- USS Marshall (DD-676)
- USS Mason (DD-191)
- USS Massey (DD-778)
- USS Maury (DD-100)
- USS Maury (DD-401)
- USS Mayo (DD-422)
- USS Mayrant (DD-31)
- USS Mayrant (DD-402)
- USS McCaffery (DD-860)
- USS McCall (DD-400)
- USS McCall (DD-28)
- USS McCalla (DD-253)
- USS McCalla (DD-488)
- USS McCawley (DD-276)
- USS McCook (DD-252)
- USS McCook (DD-496)
- USS McCord (DD-534)
- USS McCormick (DD-223)
- USS McDermut (DD-262)
- USS McDermut (DD-677)
- USS McDougal (DD-358)
- USS McDougal (DD-54)
- USS McFarland (DD-237)
- USS McGowan (DD-678)
- USS McKean (DD-784)
- USS McKean (DD-90)
- USS McKee (DD-575)
- USS McKee (DD-87)
- USS McLanahan (DD-264)
- USS McLanahan (DD-615)
- USS McNair (DD-679)
- USS Meade (DD-274)
- USS Meade (DD-602)
- USS Melvin (DD-335)
- USS Melvin (DD-680)
- USS Meredith (DD-165)
- USS Meredith (DD-434)
- USS Meredith (DD-726)
- USS Meredith (DD-890)
- USS Merrill (DD-976)
- USS Mertz (DD-691)
- USS Mervine (DD-322)
- USS Mervine (DD-489)
- USS Metcalf (DD-595)
- USS Meyer (DD-279)
- USS Miller (DD-535)
- USS Mitscher (DD-927)
- USS Moale (DD-693)
- USS Moffett (DD-362)
- USS Monaghan (DD-32)
- USS Monaghan (DD-354)
- USS Monssen (DD-436)
- USS Monssen (DD-798)
- USS Montgomery (DD-121)
- USS Moody (DD-277)
- USS Moosbrugger (DD-980)
- USS Morris (DD-271)
- USS Morris (DD-417)
- USS Morrison (DD-560)
- USS Morton (DD-948)
- USS Mugford (DD-105)
- USS Mugford (DD-389)
- USS Mullany (DD-325)
- USS Mullany (DD-528)
- USS Mullinnix (DD-944)
- USS Murphy (DD-603)
- USS Murray (DD-576)
- USS Murray (DD-97)
- USS Mustin (DD-413)
- USS Myles C. Fox (DD-829)
- USS Nelson (DD-623)
- USS New (DD-818)
- USS Newcomb (DD-586)
- USS Newman K. Perry (DD-883)
- USS Niblack (DD-424)
- USS Nicholas (DD-311)
- USS Nicholas (DD-449)
- USS Nicholson (DD-442)
- USS Nicholson (DD-52)
- USS Nicholson (DD-982)
- USS Nields (DD-616)
- USS Noa (DD-343)
- USS Noa (DD-841)
- USS Norman Scott (DD-690)
- USS Norris (DD-859)
- USS O’Bannon (DD-177)
- USS O’Bannon (DD-450)
- USS O’Bannon (DD-987)
- USS O’Brien (DD-415)
- USS O’Brien (DD-51)
- USS O’Brien (DD-725)
- USS O’Brien (DD-975)
- USS O’Hare (DD-889)
- USS Oldendorf (DD-972)
- USS Ordronaux (DD-617)
- USS Orleck (DD-886)
- USS Osborne (DD-295)
- USS Osmond Ingram (DD-255)
- USS Overton (DD-239)
- USS Owen (DD-536)
- USS Ozbourn (DD-846)
- USS Palmer (DD-161)
- USS Parker (DD-48)
- USS Parker (DD-604)
- USS Parrott (DD-218)
- USS Parsons (DD-949)
- USS Patterson (DD-36)
- USS Patterson (DD-392)
- USS Paul F. Foster (DD-964)
- USS Paul Hamilton (DD-307)
- USS Paul Hamilton (DD-590)
- USS Paul Jones (DD-10)
- USS Paul Jones (DD-230)
- USS Paulding (DD-22)
- USS Peary (DD-226)
- USS Percival (DD-298)
- USS Perkins (DD-26)
- USS Perkins (DD-377)
- USS Perkins (DD-877)
- USS Perry (DD-11)
- USS Perry (DD-340)
- USS Perry (DD-844)
- USS Peterson (DD-969)
- USS Phelps (DD-360)
- USS Philip (DD-498)
- USS Phillip (DD-76)
- USS Picking (DD-685)
- USS Pillsbury (DD-227)
- USS Plunkett (DD-431)
- USS Pope (DD-225)
- USS Porter (DD-800)
- USS Porter (DD-356)
- USS Porter (DD-59)
- USS Porterfield (DD-682)
- USS Power (DD-839)
- USS Preble (DD-12)
- USS Preble (DD-345)
- USS Preston (DD-19)
- USS Preston (DD-327)
- USS Preston (DD-379)
- USS Preston (DD-795)
- USS Prichett (DD-561)
- USS Pringle (DD-477)
- USS Pruitt (DD-347)
- USS Purdy (DD-734)
- USS Putnam (DD-287)
- USS Putnam (DD-757)
- USS Quick (DD-490)
- USS Radford (DD-120)
- USS Radford (DD-446)
- USS Ralph Talbot (DD-390)
- USS Ramsay (DD-124)
- USS Rathburne (DD-113)
- USS Reid (DD-21)
- USS Reid (DD-292)
- USS Reid (DD-369)
- USS Remey (DD-688)
- USS Reno (DD-303)
- USS Renshaw (DD-176)
- USS Renshaw (DD-499)
- USS Reuben James (DD-245)
- USS Rhind (DD-404)
- USS Rich (DD-820)
- USS Richard B. Anderson (DD-786)
- USS Richard E. Kraus (DD-849/AG-151)
- USS Richard P. Leary (DD-664)
- USS Richard S. Edwards (DD-950)
- USS Ringgold (DD-500)
- USS Ringgold (DD-89)
- USS Rizal (DD-174)
- USS Robert A. Owens (DD-827)
- USS Robert H. McCard (DD-822)
- USS Robert H. Smith (DD-735)
- USS Robert K. Huntington (DD-781)
- USS Robert L. Wilson (DD-847)
- USS Robert Smith (DD-324)
- USS Robinson (DD-562)
- USS Robinson (DD-88)
- USS Rodgers (DD-254)
- USS Rodman (DD-456)
- USS Roe (DD-24)
- USS Roe (DD-418)
- USS Rogers (DD-876)
- USS Rooks (DD-804)
- USS Roper (DD-147)
- USS Ross (DD-563)
- USS Rowan (DD-405)
- USS Rowan (DD-64)
- USS Rowan (DD-782)
- USS Rowe (DD-564)
- USS Rupertus (DD-851)
- USS Russell (DD-414)
- USS S.P. Lee (DD-310)
- USS Sampson (DD-394)
- USS Sampson (DD-63)
- USS Samuel B. Roberts (DD-823)
- USS Samuel N. Moore (DD-747)
- USS Sands (DD-243)
- USS Sarsfield (DD-837)
- USS Satterlee (DD-190)
- USS Satterlee (DD-626)
- USS Saufley (DD-465)
- USS Schenck (DD-159)
- USS Schley (DD-103)
- USS Schroeder (DD-501)
- USS Scott (DD-995)
- USS Seaman (DD-791)
- USS Selfridge (DD-320)
- USS Selfridge (DD-357)
- USS Semmes (DD-189)
- USS Seymour D. Owens (DD-767)
- USS Shannon (DD-737)
- USS Sharkey (DD-281)
- USS Shaw (DD-373)
- USS Shaw (DD-68)
- USS Shea (DD-750)
- USS Shelton (DD-790)
- USS Shields (DD-596)
- USS Shirk (DD-318)
- USS Shubrick (DD-268)
- USS Shubrick (DD-639)
- USS Sicard (DD-346)
- USS Sigourney (DD-643)
- USS Sigourney (DD-81)
- USS Sigsbee (DD-502)
- USS Simpson (DD-221)
- USS Sims (DD-409)
- USS Sinclair (DD-275)
- USS Sloat (DD-316)
- USS Smalley (DD-565)
- USS Smith (DD-378)
- USS Smith (DD-17)
- USS Smith Thompson (DD-212)
- USS Soley (DD-707)
- USS Somers (DD-301)
- USS Somers (DD-381)
- USS Somers (DD-947)
- USS Southard (DD-207)
- USS Southerland (DD-743)
- USS Spence (DD-512)
- USS Sproston (DD-173)
- USS Sproston (DD-577)
- USS Spruance (DD-963)
- USS Stack (DD-406)
- USS Stanly (DD-478)
- USS Stansbury (DD-180)
- USS Steinaker (DD-863)
- USS Stembel (DD-644)
- USS Stephen Potter (DD-538)
- USS Sterett (DD-27)
- USS Sterett (DD-407)
- USS Stevens (DD-479)
- USS Stevens (DD-86)
- USS Stevenson (DD-645)
- USS Stewart (DD-13)
- USS Stewart (DD-224)
- USS Stickell (DD-888)
- USS Stockham (DD-683)
- USS Stockton (DD-646)
- USS Stockton (DD-73)
- USS Stoddard (DD-566)
- USS Stoddert (DD-302)
- USS Stormes (DD-780)
- USS Stribling (DD-867)
- USS Stribling (DD-96)
- USS Stringham (DD-83)
- USS Strong (DD-467)
- USS Strong (DD-758)
- USS Stump (DD-978)
- USS Sturtevant (DD-240)
- USS Sumner (DD-333)
- USS Swanson (DD-443)
- USS Swasey (DD-273)
- USS Talbot (DD-114)
- USS Tarbell (DD-142)
- USS Tattnall (DD-125)
- USS Taussig (DD-746)
- USS Taylor (DD-468)
- USS Taylor (DD-94)
- USS Terry (DD-25)
- USS Terry (DD-513)
- USS Thatcher (DD-162)
- USS Thatcher (DD-514)
- USS The Sullivans (DD-537)
- USS Theodore E. Chandler (DD-717)
- USS Thomas (DD-182)
- USS Thomas E. Fraser (DD-736)
- USS Thompson (DD-305)
- USS Thompson (DD-627)
- USS Thorn (DD-657)
- USS Thorn (DD-988)
- USS Thornton (DD-270)
- USS Tillman (DD-135)
- USS Tillman (DD-641)
- USS Timmerman (DD-828)
- USS Tingey (DD-272)
- USS Tingey (DD-539)
- USS Tolman (DD-740)
- USS Toucey (DD-282)
- USS Towers (DD-959)
- USS Tracy (DD-214)
- USS Trathen (DD-530)
- USS Trever (DD-339)
- USS Trippe (DD-33)
- USS Trippe (DD-403)
- USS Truxtun (DD-14)
- USS Truxtun (DD-229)
- USS Tucker (DD-374)
- USS Tucker (DD-57)
- USS Turner (DD-259)
- USS Turner (DD-648)
- USS Turner (DD-834)
- USS Turner Joy (DD-951)
- USS Twiggs (DD-127)
- USS Twiggs (DD-591)
- USS Twining (DD-540)
- USS Uhlmann (DD-687)
- USS Upshur (DD-144)
- USS Van Valkenburgh (DD-656)
- USS Vesole (DD-878)
- USS Vogelgesang (DD-862)
- USS Wadleigh (DD-689)
- USS Wadsworth (DD-516)
- USS Wadsworth (DD-60)
- USS Wainwright (DD-419)
- USS Wainwright (DD-62)
- USS Waldron (DD-699)
- USS Walke (DD-723)
- USS Walke (DD-34)
- USS Walke (DD-416)
- USS Walker (DD-163)
- USS Walker (DD-517)
- USS Wallace L. Lind (DD-703)
- USS Waller (DD-466)
- USS Ward (DD-139)
- USS Warrington (DD-30)
- USS Warrington (DD-383)
- USS Warrington (DD-843)
- USS Wasmuth (DD-338)
- USS Waters (DD-115)
- USS Watts (DD-567)
- USS Wedderburn (DD-684)
- USS Welborn C. Wood (DD-195)
- USS Welles (DD-257)
- USS Welles (DD-628)
- USS Whipple (DD-15)
- USS Whipple (DD-217)
- USS Wickes (DD-578)
- USS Wickes (DD-75)
- USS Wiley (DD-597)
- USS William M. Wood (DD-715)
- USS Wilkes (DD-441)
- USS Wilkes (DD-67)
- USS Wilkinson (DD-930)
- USS Willard Keith (DD-775)
- USS William B. Preston (DD-344)
- USS William C. Lawe (DD-763)
- USS William D. Porter (DD-579)
- USS William Jones (DD-308)
- USS William R. Rush (DD-714)
- USS Williams (DD-108)
- USS Williamson (DD-244)
- USS Willis A. Lee (DD-929)
- USS Wilson (DD-408)
- USS Wiltsie (DD-716)
- USS Winslow (DD-359)
- USS Winslow (DD-53)
- USS Witek (DD-848)
- USS Wood (DD-317)
- USS Woodbury (DD-309)
- USS Woodworth (DD-460)
- USS Woolsey (DD-437)
- USS Woolsey (DD-77)
- USS Worden (DD-16)
- USS Worden (DD-288)
- USS Worden (DD-352)
- USS Wren (DD-568)
- USS Yarborough (DD-314)
- USS Yarnall (DD-143)
- USS Yarnall (DD-541)
- USS Young (DD-312)
- USS Young (DD-580)
- USS Zane (DD-337)
- USS Zeilin (DD-313)
- USS Zellars (DD-777)
Asbestos on Destroyer Escorts
- USS Abercrombie
- USS Acree
- USS Ahrens
- USS Ainsworth
- USS Albert David
- USS Albert T. Harris
- USS Alexander J. Luke
- USS Alger
- USS Alvin C. Cockrell
- USS Alwyn
- USS Amesbury
- USS Amick
- USS Andres
- USS Arthur L. Bristol
- USS Atherton
- USS Austin
- USS Badger
- USS Bagley
- USS Baker
- USS Balduck
- USS Bangust
- USS Barber
- USS Barbey
- USS Baron
- USS Barr
- USS Bassett
- USS Bates
- USS Bauer
- USS Bebas
- USS Begor
- USS Belet
- USS Beverly W. Reid
- USS Bivin
- USS Blair
- USS Blakely
- USS Blessman
- USS Booth
- USS Borum
- USS Bostwick
- USS Bowen
- USS Bowers
- USS Brackett
- USS Bradley
- USS Bray
- USS Breeman
- USS Brennan
- USS Brewton
- USS Bridget
- USS Bright
- USS Brister
- USS Brock
- USS Bronstein
- USS Brooke
- USS Brough
- USS Brumby
- USS Buckley
- USS Bull
- USS Bunch
- USS Burdo
- USS Burke
- USS Burrows
- USS Cabana
- USS Calcaterra
- USS Camp
- USS Canfield
- USS Cannon
- USS Capodanno
- USS Carlson
- USS Carpellotti
- USS Carroll
- USS Carter
- USS Cates
- USS Cavallaro
- USS Cecil J. Doyle
- USS Chaffee
- USS Chambers
- USS Charles E. Brannon
- USS Charles J. Kimmel
- USS Charles Lawrence
- USS Chase
- USS Chatelain
- USS Chester T. O’Brien
- USS Christopher
- USS Clarence L. Evans
- USS Claud Jones
- USS Cloues
- USS Coates
- USS Cockrill
- USS Cofer
- USS Coffman
- USS Conklin
- USS Connole
- USS Connolly
- USS Cook
- USS Coolbaugh
- USS Cooner
- USS Corbesier
- USS Courtney
- USS Cread
- USS Cromwell
- USS Cronin
- USS Crosley
- USS Cross
- USS Crouter
- USS Crowley
- USS Currier
- USS Dale W. Peterson
- USS Damon M. Cummings
- USS Daniel
- USS Daniel A. Joy
- USS Daniel T. Griffin
- USS Darby
- USS Davidson
- USS Day
- USS De Long
- USS Dealey
- USS Decker
- USS Deede
- USS Dempsey
- USS Dennis
- USS Diachenko
- USS Dionne
- USS Dobler
- USS Doherty
- USS Don O. Woods
- USS Donald B. Beary
- USS Donald W. Wolf
- USS Donaldson
- USS Doneff
- USS Donnell
- USS Douglas A. Munro
- USS Douglas L. Howard
- USS Downes
- USS Doyle C. Barnes
- USS Drury
- USS Duffy
- USS Dufilho
- USS Durant
- USS Durik
- USS Earhart
- USS Earl K. Olsen
- USS Earl V. Johnson
- USS Earle B. Hall
- USS Ebert
- USS Ebert
- USS Edgar G. Chase
- USS Edmonds
- USS Edsall
- USS Edward C. Daly
- USS Edward H. Allen
- USS Edward McDonnell
- USS Edwin A. Howard
- USS Eichenberger
- USS Eisele
- USS Eisner
- USS Elden
- USS Eldridge
- USS Elmer Montgomery
- USS Emery
- USS England
- USS Engstrom
- USS Enright
- USS Eugene E. Elmore
- USS Evans
- USS Evarts
- USS Eversole
- USS Fair
- USS Falgout
- USS Fanning
- USS Farquhar
- USS Fechteler
- USS Fessenden
- USS Fieberling
- USS Finch
- USS Finnegan
- USS Fiske
- USS Flaherty
- USS Fleming
- USS Fogg
- USS Foreman
- USS Formoe
- USS Forster
- USS Foss
- USS Fowler
- USS Frament
- USS Francis Hammond
- USS Francis M. Robinson
- USS Frederick C. Davis
- USS French
- USS Frost
- USS Frybarger
- USS Gandy
- USS Gantner
- USS Garcia
- USS Garfield Thomas
- USS Gary
- USS Gendreau
- USS Gentry
- USS George
- USS George A. Johnson
- USS George E. Davis
- USS George W. Ingram
- USS Gillette
- USS Gilligan
- USS Gilmore
- USS Goss
- USS Gosselin
- USS Grady
- USS Gray
- USS Greenwood
- USS Greiner
- USS Griswold
- USS Gunason
- USS Gustafson
- USS Haas
- USS Hartley
- USS Haines
- USS Halloran
- USS Hammann
- USS Hammerberg
- USS Hanna
- USS Harmon
- USS Harold C. Thomas
- USS Harold E. Holt
- USS Hartley
- USS Harveson
- USS Haverfield
- USS Hayter
- USS Hemminger
- USS Henry R. Kenyon
- USS Hepburn
- USS Herbert C. Jones
- USS Herzog
- USS Heyliger
- USS Hilbert
- USS Hill
- USS Hissem
- USS Hodges
- USS Holder
- USS Hollis
- USS Holt
- USS Holton
- USS Hooper
- USS Hopping
- USS Horace A. Bass
- USS Howard D. Crow
- USS Howard F. Clark
- USS Hubbard
- USS Hunter Marshall
- USS Hurst
- USS Huse
- USS Inch
- USS J. Douglas Blackwood
- USS J. R. Y. Blakely
- USS J. Richard Ward
- USS Jaccard
- USS Jack C. Robinson
- USS Jack Miller
- USS Jack W. Wilke
- USS Jacob Jones
- USS James E. Craig
- USS Janssen
- USS Jenks
- USS Jesse L. Brown
- USS Jesse Rutherford
- USS Jobb
- USS John C. Butler
- USS John J. Powers
- USS John L. Williamson
- USS John M. Bermingham
- USS John P. Gray
- USS John Q. Roberts
- USS John R. Perry
- USS John Willis
- USS Johnnie Hutchins
- USS Jordan
- USS Joseph E. Campbell
- USS Joseph E. Connolly
- USS Joseph Hewes
- USS Joseph M. Auman
- USS Joyce
- USS Julius A. Furer
- USS Julius A. Raven
- USS Keith
- USS Kendall C. Campbell
- USS Kenneth M. Willett
- USS Kephart
- USS Key
- USS Kinzer
- USS Kirk
- USS Kirkpatrick
- USS Kirwin
- USS Kleinsmith
- USS Kline
- USS Knox
- USS Koelsch
- USS Koiner
- USS Kretchmer
- USS Kyne
- USS La Prade
- USS Lake
- USS Lamons
- USS Lang
- USS Laning
- USS Lansing
- USS Lawrence C. Taylor
- USS Le Ray Wilson
- USS Lee Fox
- USS Leland E. Thomas
- USS Leopold
- USS Leslie L.B. Knox
- USS Lester
- USS Levy
- USS Lewis
- USS Liddle
- USS Lloyd
- USS Lloyd E. Acree
- USS Lockwood
- USS Loeser
- USS Lough
- USS Lovelace
- USS Lovering
- USS Lowe
- USS Loy
- USS Lyman
- USS Mack
- USS Major
- USS Maloy
- USS Manlove
- USS Manning
- USS Marchand
- USS Marsh
- USS Martin
- USS Martin H. Ray
- USS Marts
- USS Marvin Shields
- USS Mason
- USS Maurice J. Manuel
- USS McAnn
- USS McCandless
- USS McClelland
- USS McCloy
- USS McConnell
- USS McCoy Reynolds
- USS McGinty
- USS McNulty
- USS Melvin R. Nawman
- USS Menges
- USS Merrill
- USS Metivier
- USS Meyerkord
- USS Micka
- USS Miller
- USS Mills
- USS Mitchell
- USS Moinester
- USS Moore
- USS Mosley
- USS Muir
- USS Myers
- USS Naifeh
- USS Neuendorf
- USS Neunzer
- USS Newell
- USS Newman
- USS Oberrender
- USS O’Callahan
- USS Odum
- USS O’Flaherty
- USS Oliver Mitchell
- USS O’Neill
- USS O’Reilly
- USS Osberg
- USS Osmus
- USS Osterhaus
- USS Oswald
- USS O’Toole
- USS Otter
- USS Otterstetter
- USS Ouellett
- USS Parks
- USS Parle
- USS Patterson
- USS Paul G. Baker
- USS Pavlic
- USS Peiffer
- USS Pennewill
- USS Peterson
- USS Pettit
- USS Pharris
- USS Pillsbury
- USS Poole
- USS Pope
- USS Pratt
- USS Presley
- USS Price
- USS Pride
- USS Raby
- USS Rall
- USS Ramsden
- USS Ramsey
- USS Rathburne
- USS Ray K. Edwards
- USS Raymond
- USS Reasoner
- USS Rednour
- USS Reeves
- USS Register
- USS Reuben James
- USS Reybold
- USS Reynolds
- USS Rhodes
- USS Rich
- USS Richard L. Page
- USS Richard M. Rowell
- USS Richard S. Bull
- USS Richard W. Suesens
- USS Richey
- USS Ricketts
- USS Riddle
- USS Riley
- USS Rinehart
- USS Ringness
- USS Rizzi
- USS Roark
- USS Robert Brazier
- USS Robert E. Peary
- USS Robert F. Keller
- USS Robert I. Paine
- USS Roberts
- USS Roche
- USS Rolf
- USS Rombach
- USS Roy O. Hale
- USS Ruchamkin
- USS Rudderow
- USS Runels
- USS Sample
- USS Samuel B. Roberts
- USS Samuel S. Miles
- USS Sanders
- USS Savage
- USS Schmitt
- USS Schofield
- USS Scott
- USS Scribner
- USS Scroggins
- USS Sederstrom
- USS Seid
- USS Sellstrom
- USS Shelton
- USS Silverstein
- USS Sims
- USS Slater
- USS Sloat
- USS Smartt
- USS Snowden
- USS Snyder
- USS Solar
- USS Spangenberg
- USS Spangler
- USS Stadtfeld
- USS Stafford
- USS Stanton
- USS Steele
- USS Stein
- USS Stern
- USS Stewart
- USS Stockdale
- USS Straub
- USS Straus
- USS Strickland
- USS Sturtevant
- USS Sutton
- USS Swasey
- USS Swearer
- USS Swenning
- USS Tabberer
- USS Talbot
- USS Tatum
- USS Taussig
- USS Thaddeus Parker
- USS Thomas
- USS Thomas C. Hart
- USS Thomas F. Nickel
- USS Thomason
- USS Thornhill
- USS Tills
- USS Tinsman
- USS Tisdale
- USS Tollberg
- USS Tomich
- USS Traw
- USS Trippe
- USS Truett
- USS Trumpeter
- USS Truxtun
- USS Tweedy
- USS Ulvert M. Moore
- USS Underhill
- USS Upham
- USS Valdez
- USS Vammen
- USS Vance
- USS Vandivier
- USS Varian
- USS Voge
- USS Vreeland
- USS Wagner
- USS Walsh
- USS Walter C. Wann
- USS Walter S. Brown
- USS Walter S. Gorka
- USS Walter X. Young
- USS Walton
- USS Wantuck
- USS Waterman
- USS Weaver
- USS Weber
- USS Weeden
- USS Weiss
- USS Wesson
- USS Whipple
- USS Whitehurst
- USS Whitman
- USS Wileman
- USS Wilhoite
- USS William C. Cole
- USS William C. Miller
- USS William M. Hobby
- USS William S. Sims
- USS William Seiverling
- USS William T. Powell
- USS Williams
- USS Willis
- USS Willmarth
- USS Wingfield
- USS Wintle
- USS Wiseman
- USS Witter
- USS Woodson
- USS Wyffels
- USS Wyman
- USS Yokes
Asbestos on Escort Carriers
- USS Admiralty Islands
- USS Altamaha
- USS Attu
- USS Badoeng Strait
- USS Baffins
- USS Bairoko
- USS Barnes
- USS Bastian
- USS Bismarck Sea
- USS Block Island
- USS Bogue
- USS Bolinas
- USS Bougainville
- USS Breton
- USS Cape Esperance
- USS Cape Gloucester
- USS Card
- USS Carnegie
- USS Casablanca
- USS Charger
- USS Chatham
- USS Chenango
- USS Commencement Bay
- USS Copahee
- USS Coral Sea/Anzio
- USS Cordova
- USS Core
- USS Corregidor
- USS Croatan
- USS Delgada
- USS Didrickson Bay/Tripoli
- USS Edisto
- USS Estero
- USS Fanshaw Bay
- USS Gambier Bay
- USS Gilbert Islands
- USS Glacier
- USS Guadalcanal
- USS Hamlin
- USS Hoggatt Bay
- USS Hollandia
- USS Jamaica
- USS Kadashan Bay
- USS Kalinin Bay
- USS Kasaan Bay
- USS Keweenaw
- USS Kitkun Bay
- USS Kula Gulf
- USS Kwajalein
- USS Liscome Bay
- USS Long Island
- USS Lunga Point
- USS Makassar Strait
- USS Makin Island
- USS Manila Bay
- USS Marcus Island
- USS Matanikau
- USS Midway/St. Lo
- USS Mindoro
- USS Mission Bay
- USS Munda
- USS Nassau
- USS Natoma Bay
- USS Nehenta Bay
- USS Niantic
- USS Ommaney Bay
- USS Palau
- USS Perdido
- USS Petrof Bay
- USS Point Cruz
- USS Prince
- USS Prince William
- USS Puget Sound
- USS Pybus
- USS Rabaul
- USS Rendova
- USS Roi
- USS Rudyerd Bay
- USS Saginaw Bay
- USS Saidor
- USS Salamaua
- USS Salerno Bay
- USS Sangamon
- USS Santee
- USS Sargent Bay
- USS Savo Island
- USS Shamrock Bay
- USS Shipley Bay
- USS Siboney
- USS Sicily
- USS Sitkoh Bay
- USS Solomons
- USS St. Andrews
- USS St. George
- USS St. Joseph
- USS St. Simon
- USS Steamer Bay
- USS Sunset
- USS Suwannee
- USS Takanis Bay
- USS Thetis Bay
- USS Tinian
- USS Tulagi
- USS Vella Gulf
- USS Vermillion
- USS Wake Island
- USS White Plains
- USS Willapa
- USS Windham Bay
- USS Winjah
Asbestos on Frigates
- USS Ainsworth
- USS Albert David
- USS Antrim
- USS Aubrey Fitch
- USS Aylwin
- USS Badger
- USS Bagley
- USS Barbey
- USS Blakely
- USS Boone
- USS Bowen
- USS Bradley
- USS Brewton
- USS Bronstein
- USS Brooke
- USS Brumby
- USS Capodanno
- USS Clark
- USS Clifton Sprague
- USS Connole
- USS Cook
- USS Copeland
- USS Crommelin
- USS Curts
- USS Davidson
- USS De Wert
- USS Donald B. Beary
- USS Downes
- USS Doyle
- USS Duncan
- USS Edward McDonnell
- USS Elmer Montgomery
- USS Estocin
- USS Fahrion
- USS Fanning
- USS Flatley
- USS Francis Hammond
- USS Gallery
- USS Garcia
- USS Gary
- USS George Philip
- USS Glover
- USS Gray
- USS Halyburton
- USS Harold E. Holt
- USS Hepburn
- USS Ingraham
- USS Jack Williams
- USS Jarrett
- USS Jesse L. Brown
- USS John A. Moore
- USS John L. Hall
- USS Joseph Hewes
- USS Julius A. Furer
- USS Kauffman
- USS Kirk
- USS Klakring
- USS Knox
- USS Koelsch
- USS Lang
- USS Lewis B. Puller
- USS Lockwood
- USS Mahlon S. Tisdale
- USS Marvin Shields
- USS McCandless
- USS McCloy
- USS McClusky
- USS McInerney
- USS Meyerkord
- USS Miller
- USS Moinester
- USS Nicholas
- USS O’Callahan
- USS Oliver Hazard Perry
- USS Ouellet
- USS Patterson
- USS Paul
- USS Pharris
- USS Ramsey
- USS Rathburne
- USS Reasoner
- USS Reid
- USS Rentz
- USS Richard L. Page
- USS Roark
- USS Robert E. Peary
- USS Robert G. Bradley
- USS Sample
- USS Samuel Eliot Morison
- USS Schofield
- USS Sides
- USS Stark
- USS Stein
- USS Stephen W. Groves
- USS Talbot
- USS Taylor
- USS Thach
- USS Thomas C. Hart
- USS Trippe
- USS Truett
- USS Underwood
- USS Valdez
- USS Vandegrift
- USS Voge
- USS Vreeland
- USS W. S. Sims
- USS Wadsworth
- USS Whipple
Asbestos on Merchant Marine Ships
- S.S. Alcoa Cavalier
- S.S. Bay State
- S.S. Berkeley Victory
- S.S. Blue Grass State
- S.S. Borinquen
- S.S. Buckeye State
- S.S. Burco Trader
- S.S. C.H.M. Jones
- S.S. Cilco Logger
- S.S. Copper State
- S.S. Coxcomb Hill
- S.S. Defiance
- S.S. Del Mar
- S.S. E.J. Block
- S.S. Elizabeth W. Moran
- S.S. Empire State
- S.S. Evergreen State
- S.S. Excalibur
- S.S. Gopher State
- S.S. Keystone State
- S.S. Little Butte
- S.S. Lurline (Matson Line)
- S.S. Mobilube
- S.S. Mormacdove
- S.S. Mormacsea
- S.S. Morris Hillquit
- S.S. Oakey L. Alexander, formerly the S.S. Laconia Victory
- S.S. Pacific Victory
- S.S. Pan Massachusetts
- S.S. Pine Tree State
- S.S. President Cleveland
- S.S. Robin Gray
- S.S. Samuel Chase
- S.S. Sheldon Clark
- S.S. Simon Benson
- S.S. Socony 10
- S.S. Spencer Kellogg
- S.S. Steel Traveler
- S.S. Stonewall Jackson
- S.S. Thomas H. Barry
- S.S. Oriente
- S.S. Thomas Lynch
- S.S. Thomas Nelson
- S.S. Tydol Bayonne
- S.S. Uruguay
- S.S. William Hooper
- S.S. William J. Bryan
- S.S. William Mulholland
- S.S. Wilson B. Keene
Asbestos on Minesweepers
- USS Ability
- USS Acme
- USS Admirable
- USS Adopt
- USS Adroit
- USS Advance
- USS Advent
- USS Advocate
- USS Affray
- USS Aggressive
- USS Agile
- USS Alacrity
- USS Albatross
- USS Annoy
- USS Ardent
- USS Assurance
- USS Astute
- USS Augury
- USS Auk
- USS Avenge
- USS Avocet
- USS Barrier
- USS Bittern
- USS Bluebird
- USS Bobolink
- USS Bold
- USS Bombard
- USS Bond
- USS Brant
- USS Broadbill
- USS Bullfinch
- USS Bulwark
- USS Buoyant
- USS Candid
- USS Capable
- USS Captivate
- USS Caravan
- USS Cardinal
- USS Catbird
- USS Caution
- USS Chaffinch
- USS Champion
- USS Change
- USS Chewink
- USS Chickadee
- USS Chief
- USS Clamour
- USS Climax
- USS Compel
- USS Competent
- USS Concise
- USS Conflict
- USS Conquest
- USS Constant
- USS Control
- USS Cormorant
- USS Counsel
- USS Crag
- USS Creddock
- USS Cruise
- USS Curlew
- USS Daring
- USS Dash
- USS Defense
- USS Deft
- USS Delegate
- USS Density
- USS Design
- USS Despite
- USS Detector
- USS Devastator
- USS Device
- USS Dextrous
- USS Diploma
- USS Dipper
- USS Direct
- USS Disdain
- USS Dominant
- USS Dour
- USS Drake
- USS Dunlin
- USS Dynamic
- USS Eager
- USS Eagle
- USS Eider
- USS Elusive
- USS Embattle
- USS Endurance
- USS Energy
- USS Engage
- USS Enhance
- USS Esteem
- USS Excel
- USS Execute
- USS Exploit
- USS Exultant
- USS Facility
- USS Falcon
- USS Fancy
- USS Fearless
- USS Fidelity
- USS Fierce
- USS Finch
- USS Firm
- USS Fixity
- USS Flicker
- USS Force
- USS Fortify
- USS Gadwall
- USS Gallant
- USS Gannet
- USS Garland
- USS Gavia
- USS Gayety
- USS Gladiator
- USS Goldcrest
- USS Goldfinch
- USS Goshawk
- USS Grackle
- USS Graylag
- USS Grebe
- USS Guide
- USS Gull
- USS Harlequin
- USS Harrier
- USS Hazard
- USS Heed
- USS Herald
- USS Heron
- USS Hilarity
- USS Illusive
- USS Impeccable
- USS Impervious
- USS Implicit
- USS Improve
- USS Inaugural
- USS Incessant
- USS Incredible
- USS Indicative
- USS Inflict
- USS Instill
- USS Intrigue
- USS Invade
- USS Jubilant
- USS Kingfisher
- USS Kite
- USS Knave
- USS Lance
- USS Lapwing
- USS Lark
- USS Leader
- USS Linnet
- USS Logic
- USS Loyalty
- USS Lucid
- USS Magnet
- USS Mainstay
- USS Mallard
- USS Marvel
- USS Measure
- USS Method
- USS Minivet
- USS Mirth
- USS Motive
- USS Murrelet
- USS Nimble
- USS Notable
- USS Nucleus
- USS Nuthatch
- USS Observer
- USS Opponent
- USS Oracle
- USS Oriole
- USS Ortolan
- USS Osprey
- USS Owl
- USS Palisade
- USS Partridge
- USS Peacock
- USS Pelican
- USS Penetrate
- USS Penguin
- USS Peregrine
- USS Peril
- USS Persistent
- USS Phantom
- USS Pheasant
- USS Pigeon
- USS Pilot
- USS Pinnacle
- USS Pioneer
- USS Pirate
- USS Pivot
- USS Pledge
- USS Pluck
- USS Pochard
- USS Portent
- USS Prestige
- USS Prevail
- USS Prime
- USS Project
- USS Prowess
- USS Ptarmigan
- USS Pursuit
- USS Quail
- USS Quest
- USS Rail
- USS Rampart
- USS Ransom
- USS Raven
- USS Reaper
- USS Rebel
- USS Recruit
- USS Redstart
- USS Redwing
- USS Reform
- USS Refresh
- USS Reign
- USS Requisite
- USS Revenge
- USS Rival
- USS Robin
- USS Roselle
- USS Ruddy
- USS Sagacity
- USS Sage
- USS Salute
- USS Sanderling
- USS Sandpiper
- USS Saunter
- USS Scoter
- USS Scout
- USS Scrimmage
- USS Scuffle
- USS Scurry
- USS Seagull
- USS Seer
- USS Sentinel
- USS Sentry
- USS Serene
- USS Sheldrake
- USS Shelter
- USS Shoveler
- USS Signet
- USS Skill
- USS Skirmish
- USS Skylark
- USS Spear
- USS Spectacle
- USS Specter
- USS Speed
- USS Sprig
- USS Staff
- USS Stalwart
- USS Starling
- USS Staunch
- USS Steady
- USS Strategy
- USS Strength
- USS Strive
- USS Sturdy
- USS Success
- USS Superior
- USS Surfbird
- USS Sustain
- USS Swallow
- USS Swan
- USS Sway
- USS Swerve
- USS Swift
- USS Symbol
- USS Tanager
- USS Teal
- USS Tercel
- USS Threat
- USS Thrush
- USS Tide
- USS Token
- USS Toucan
- USS Towhee
- USS Triumph
- USS Tumult
- USS Turkey
- USS Valor
- USS Velocity
- USS Venture
- USS Vigilance
- USS Vigor
- USS Vireo
- USS Vital
- USS Warbler
- USS Waxwing
- USS Wheatear
- USS Whippoorwill
- USS Widgeon
- USS Willet
- USS Woodcock
- USS Zeal
Asbestos on Patrol Boats
- PC Patrol Craft Coastal
- PC Submarine Chaser (173’)
- PCE Patrol Craft Escort
- PCER Patrol Craft Rescue Escort
- PCH Submarine Chaser (Hydrofoil)
- PCS Patrol Craft Sweeper
- PE Eagle Class Patrol Vessel
- PF Patrol Frigate
- PG Gunboat
- PGH Gunboat (Hydrofoil)
- PGM Motor Gunboat
- PHM Patrol Combatant-Missile (Hydrofoil)
- PR River Gunboat
- PT Motor Torpedo Boat
- PTC Motor Boat Submarine Chasers
- PY Patrol Yacht
- PY Coastal Patrol Yacht
- SC Submarine Chaser (110’)
Asbestos on Submarines
- USS Abraham Lincoln
- USS Albacore
- USS Alexander Hamilton
- USS Amberjack
- USS Andrew Jackson
- USS Angler
- USS Apogon
- USS Archerfish
- USS Argonaut
- USS Aspro
- USS Atlanta
- USS Atule
- USS Balao
- USS Baltimore
- USS Bang
- USS Barb
- USS Barbel
- USS Barbero
- USS Barracuda
- USS Bashaw
- USS Bass
- USS Batfish
- USS Baton Rouge
- USS Baya
- USS Becuna
- USS Benjamin Franklin
- USS Bergall
- USS Besugo
- USS Billfish
- USS Birmingham
- USS Blackfin
- USS Blackfish
- USS Blenny
- USS Blower
- USS Blueback
- USS Bluefish
- USS Bluegill
- USS Boarfish
- USS Bonefish
- USS Bonita
- USS Boston
- USS Bowfin
- USS Bream
- USS Bremerton
- USS Brill
- USS Bugara
- USS Bullhead
- USS Bumper
- USS Burrfish
- USS Cabezon
- USS Cabrilla
- USS Cachalot
- USS Caiman
- USS Capelin
- USS Capitaine
- USS Carbonero
- USS Carp
- USS Casimir Pulaski
- USS Catfish
- USS Cavalla
- USS Cero
- USS Charr
- USS Chivo
- USS Chopper
- USS Chub
- USS Cincinnati
- USS Cisco
- USS Clamagore
- USS Cobbler
- USS Cobia
- USS Cochino
- USS Cod
- USS Conger
- USS Corporal
- USS Corsair
- USS Corvina
- USS Crevalle
- USS Croaker
- USS Cubera
- USS Cusk
- USS Cutlass
- USS Cuttlefish
- USS Dace
- USS Dallas
- USS Daniel Boone
- USS Daniel Webster
- USS Darter
- USS Dentuda
- USS Devilfish
- USS Diablo
- USS Diodon
- USS Dogfish
- USS Dolphin
- USS Dorado
- USS Dragonet
- USS Drum
- USS Entemedor
- USS Escolar
- USS Ethan Allen
- USS Finback
- USS Flasher
- USS Flier
- USS Flounder
- USS Flying Fish
- USS Francis Scott Key
- USS Gabilan
- USS Gar
- USS Gato
- USS George Bancroft
- USS George C. Marshall
- USS George Washington
- USS George Washington Carver
- USS Glenard P. Lipscomb
- USS Golet
- USS Grampus
- USS Grayback
- USS Grayling
- USS Greenfish
- USS Greenling
- USS Grenadier
- USS Groton
- USS Grouper
- USS Growler
- USS Grunion
- USS Guardfish
- USS Guavina
- USS Gudgeon
- USS Guitarro
- USS Gunnel
- USS Gurnard
- USS Hackleback
- USS Haddo
- USS Haddock
- USS Hake
- USS Halfbeak
- USS Halibut
- USS Hammerhead
- USS Harder
- USS Hardhead
- USS Hawkbill
- USS Henry Clay
- USS Henry L. Stimson
- USS Herring
- USS Hoe
- USS Houston
- USS Icefish
- USS Indianapolis
- USS Irex
- USS Jack
- USS Jacksonville
- USS Jallao
- USS James K. Polk
- USS James Madison
- USS James Monroe
- USS John Adams
- USS John C. Calhoun
- USS John Marshall
- USS Kamehameha
- USS Kete
- USS Kingfish
- USS Kraken
- USS L. Mendel Rivers
- USS La Jolla
- USS Lafayette
- USS Lagarto
- USS Lamprey
- USS Lancetfish
- USS Lapon
- USS Lewis and Clark
- USS Ling
- USS Lionfish
- USS Lizardfish
- USS Loggerhead
- USS Los Angeles
- USS Macabi
- USS Mackerel
- USS Manta
- USS Mapiro
- USS Mariano G. Vallejo
- USS Marlin
- USS Medregal
- USS Memphis
- USS Menhaden
- USS Mero
- USS Michigan
- USS Mingo
- USS Moray
- USS Muskallunge
- USS Narwhal
- USS Nathan Hale
- USS Nathanael Greene
- USS Nautilus
- USS New York City
- USS Odax
- USS Ohio
- USS Omaha
- USS Paddle
- USS Pampanito
- USS Parche
- USS Pargo
- USS Patrick Henry
- USS Perch
- USS Permit
- USS Peto
- USS Philadelphia
- USS Phoenix
- USS Pickerel
- USS Picuda
- USS Pike
- USS Pilotfish
- USS Pintado
- USS Pipefish
- USS Piper
- USS Piranha
- USS Plaice
- USS Plunger
- USS Pogy
- USS Pollack
- USS Pomfret
- USS Pompano
- USS Pompon
- USS Porpoise
- USS Puffer
- USS Queenfish
- USS Quillback
- USS Rasher
- USS Raton
- USS Ray
- USS Razorback
- USS Redfin
- USS Redfish
- USS Remora
- USS Requin
- USS Richard B. Russell
- USS Robalo
- USS Robert E. Lee
- USS Rock
- USS Roncador
- USS Ronquil
- USS Runner
- USS S-1
- USS S-10
- USS S-11
- USS S-12
- USS S-13
- USS S-14
- USS S-15
- USS S-16
- USS S-17
- USS S-18
- USS S-19
- USS S-20
- USS S-21
- USS S-22
- USS S-23
- USS S-24
- USS S-25
- USS S-26
- USS S-27
- USS S-28
- USS S-29
- USS S-30
- USS S-31
- USS S-32
- USS S-33
- USS S-34
- USS S-35
- USS S-36
- USS S-37
- USS S-38
- USS S-39
- USS S-40
- USS S-41
- USS S-42
- USS S-43
- USS S-44
- USS S-45
- USS S-46
- USS S-47
- USS S-48
- USS S-6
- USS S-7
- USS S-8
- USS S-9
- USS Sabalo
- USS Sablefish
- USS Sailfish
- USS Salmon
- USS Sam Houston
- USS Sam Rayburn
- USS San Francisco
- USS Sand Lance
- USS Sarda
- USS Sargo
- USS Saury
- USS Sawfish
- USS Scabbardfish
- USS Scamp
- USS Scorpion
- USS Sculpin
- USS Sea Cat
- USS Sea Devil
- USS Sea Dog
- USS Sea Fox
- USS Sea Leopard
- USS Sea Owl
- USS Sea Poacher
- USS Sea Robin
- USS Seadragon
- USS Seahorse
- USS Seal
- USS Sealion
- USS Searaven
- USS Seawolf
- USS Segundo
- USS Sennet
- USS Shad
- USS Shark
- USS Silversides
- USS Simon Bolivar
- USS Sirago
- USS Skate
- USS Skipjack
- USS Snapper
- USS Snook
- USS Spadefish
- USS Spearfish
- USS Spikefish
- USS Spinax
- USS Spot
- USS Springer
- USS Squalus/Sailfish
- USS Steelhead
- USS Sterlet
- USS Stickleback
- USS Stingray
- USS Stonewall Jackson
- USS Sturgeon
- USS Sunfish
- USS Swordfish
- USS Tambor
- USS Tang
- USS Tarpon
- USS Tautog
- USS Tecumseh
- USS Tench
- USS Theodore Roosevelt
- USS Thomas A. Edison
- USS Thomas Jefferson
- USS Thornback
- USS Threadfin
- USS Thresher
- USS Tigrone
- USS Tilefish
- USS Tinosa
- USS Tirante
- USS Tiru
- USS Toro
- USS Torsk
- USS Trepang
- USS Trigger
- USS Triton
- USS Trout
- USS Trumpetfish
- USS Trutta
- USS Tullibee
- USS Tuna
- USS Tunny
- USS Tusk
- USS Ulysses S. Grant
- USS USS Mackerel
- USS V-1
- USS V-2
- USS V-3
- USS V-4
- USS Volador
- USS Von Steuben
- USS Wahoo
- USS Whale
- USS Will Rogers
- USS William H. Bates
- USS Woodrow Wilson
At Sokolove Law, we can help families pursue compensation in all 50 states — and there are no hourly fees or upfront costs to work with our team.
The average settlement for U.S. Navy veterans with mesothelioma is over $1 Million. Contact us now to see if you qualify for compensation.
Asbestos in Shipyards: Hot Zones by State
Shipbuilders, maintenance workers, and those who decommissioned ships were also at risk of asbestos exposure. Their jobs often required them to construct, repair, and renovate ships that heavily relied on asbestos. As a result, these shipyard workers were more likely to inhale or ingest the fibers.
Every part of the shipyard facilities used asbestos-containing products, including the:
- Cafeterias
- Dockyard buildings
- Housing buildings for workers and their families
- Offices
- Machine shops
- Ships veterans worked on
- Washrooms
"The large group most threatened is the 4.5 million people who worked in World War II shipyards, where asbestos dust was so pervasive that one often could not see across a room.”
– The New York Times
There was no safe place for shipyard workers to escape asbestos exposure during their service, putting them at a very high risk of developing asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer.

Unfortunately, the health risks of asbestos exposure extended to the families of shipyard workers as well. Asbestos fibers easily cling to cloth and other materials.
As a result, asbestos fibers could have been brought home with workers on their clothes, shoes, and hair, potentially exposing their loved ones to asbestos secondhand.
List of Shipyards with Asbestos
Asbestos could be found in U.S. Navy shipyards along the country’s coasts, where it was widely used in construction and maintenance during the 20th century.
Shipyards that are known sites of asbestos exposure include:
- Alabama Dry Dock
- Albina Shipyard
- Avondale Shipyard
- Barbours Cut Docks
- Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
- Bremerton Naval Shipyard
- Brooklyn Navy Yard
- Caddell Dry Dock
- California Navy Shipyard
- Charleston Naval Shipyard
- Consolidated Steel Shipyards
- Curtis Bay Coast Guard Yard
- Defoe Shipyard
- Duwamish Shipyard
- Galveston Docks
- General Dynamics NASSCO
- GMD Shipyard
- Groton Naval Base
- Houston Shipyards
- Hunters Point Naval Shipyard
- Ingalls Shipbuilding
- Kane Shipbuilding
- Kaiser Shipyard
- Lockheed Shipyard
- Long Beach Naval Shipyard
- Moore Dry Dock
- National Steel & Shipbuilding
- Naval Station Everett
- Naval Weapons Station
- New York Shipbuilding Corporation
- Newport News Naval Shipyard
- Norfolk Naval Shipyard
- Orange Shipbuilding
- Pearl Harbor Shipyard
- Pensacola Naval Air Station
- Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
- San Diego Naval Shipyard
- San Francisco Drydock
- Seward Ship's Drydock
- Sun Shipbuilding
- Tacoma Drydock
- Todd Shipyards
- Washington Navy Yard
- Willamette Iron and Steel Works
Don’t see your shipyard listed above? This isn’t a complete list. You may still have been exposed to asbestos during your naval career — and we can help you determine when and where that exposure may have occurred.
Call (800) 647-3434 now to see if you may be entitled to compensation for an asbestos-related illness. We're available 24/7 to answer your questions for free.
Mesothelioma U.S. Navy Compensation Options
There are multiple sources of compensation available to U.S. Navy veterans with mesothelioma. Our experienced asbestos lawyers can help you determine which options may be available in your case.
U.S. Navy veterans with mesothelioma may qualify for compensation from:
By working with our VA-accredited mesothelioma lawyers, you can get experienced help with every step of the legal process. We'll pursue compensation from all of the avenues you qualify for to maximize your potential payout.

"Veterans have a right to hold responsible the companies that produced and sold asbestos-containing materials to the military. Filing an asbestos legal claim does not impact VA benefits."
– Ricky LeBlanc, Managing Attorney at Sokolove Law
Our Past U.S. Navy Asbestos Settlement Amounts
At Sokolove Law, our asbestos exposure attorneys have secured more than $5.2 Billion for veterans and civilians impacted by mesothelioma.
Some of our past U.S. Navy asbestos settlements and verdicts include:
- $40 Million for a U.S. Navy veteran in Washington
- $10.23 Million to a California boiler tender and U.S. Navy veteran
- $8.15 Million for a U.S. Navy veteran in Missouri
- $3.87 Million to a U.S. Navy veteran and auto mechanic in Connecticut
- $4.42 Million for an Indiana boiler room repairman in the U.S. Navy
- $3.44 Million to a U.S. Navy veteran in Alabama
- $5.33 Million for a Virginia postal carrier and boiler tender in the U.S. Navy
- $3.77 Million to a U.S. Navy veteran in Wisconsin
- $9.3 Million for the family of a U.S. Navy veteran in Massachusetts
While there’s never a guarantee of compensation, our team will fight hard to get U.S. Navy veterans like you everything you’re entitled to.
Get a free case review now. No firm has handled as many mesothelioma cases as Sokolove Law. Let us get you the money you deserve.
Contact Mesothelioma Attorneys for U.S. Navy Veterans & Families
As a national mesothelioma law firm, Sokolove Law has decades of experience helping victims of asbestos exposure receive the compensation they deserve — particularly for veterans of the U.S. military.
We’re proud to serve those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. In fact, 42% of all Sokolove Law mesothelioma clients are U.S. veterans.
Regardless of where you’re located in the United States, our attorneys are prepared to help you file a mesothelioma lawsuit and fight for the money your family deserves.
There are no upfront costs or hourly fees to work with our team. You pay nothing unless we successfully secure compensation for you.
Call (800) 647-3434 now or fill out our contact form to see if we may be able to help with your case.
Mesothelioma & Navy Ship FAQs
Do all U.S. Navy ships have asbestos?
The use of asbestos was widespread throughout almost all U.S. Navy ships and shipyards for most of the 20th century, making asbestos exposure unavoidable for many service members.
In fact, for a time all U.S. Navy ships were required to use asbestos in their construction and maintenance due to its fireproofing, heat resistance, and insulating properties. Although the military no longer uses asbestos in their ships, traces of this material may still be present in some ships today.
Contact Sokolove Law now to see if you may be eligible for compensation due to illnesses caused by asbestos exposure on U.S. Navy ships.
When did they stop using asbestos on ships?
Until the mid-1980s, nearly every ship built by the U.S. Navy was constructed with asbestos-containing materials. When the dangers of this toxic material became known to the public, there was a massive effort to remove asbestos from U.S. Navy ships, which took years to accomplish.
Some veterans may have been exposed to asbestos as late as the early 1990s. Today, most naval ships use non-hazardous alternatives in place of asbestos.
When was asbestos used on U.S. Navy ships?
Asbestos was used on virtually all ships built by the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Coast Guard between World War II and the late-1970s. Though asbestos was removed from many ships, there are still active ships in the U.S. Navy that contain asbestos today.
Where was asbestos used on U.S. Navy ships?
Asbestos was used extensively across U.S. Navy ships, including in products found throughout boiler rooms, engine rooms, pump rooms, and more. Such heavy usage in these enclosed spaces made exposure almost unavoidable.
Because many of these areas generated high levels of heat, insulation, gaskets, valves, and pipes were made with asbestos to provide fire resistance and durability.
What U.S. Navy ships had asbestos?
From the 1930s to the 1980s, almost every U.S. Navy ship was made with asbestos-containing materials, from aircraft carriers and battleships to tankers and tugs.
The specific types of U.S. Navy ships that had asbestos aboard include:
- Aircraft carriers
- Amphibious warships
- Auxiliary ships
- Battleships
- Cargo ships
- Cruisers
- Cutters
- Destroyers
- Destroyer escorts
- Escort carriers
- Frigates
- Merchant marine ships
- Minesweepers
- Patrol craft
- Submarines
- Tankers and oilers
- Tenders and tugs
Call (800) 647-3434 now if you were diagnosed with mesothelioma after serving on a U.S. Navy ship. You may be eligible for compensation worth over $1 Million on average.
Can you sue the U.S. Navy for asbestos exposure?
Instead of suing the U.S. Navy, you can sue the companies that made or sold asbestos-containing products to the government and military. Many of these asbestos-related companies knew the risks their products posed but sold them anyway, allowing you to hold them liable for your illness.
At Sokolove Law, we can fight for the justice and compensation you deserve. Get started now with a free case review.
Did aircraft carriers have asbestos on them?
Yes. U.S. Navy aircraft carriers built before the mid-1980s contained asbestos in boilers, insulation, pipes, gaskets, and more.
Some of the aircraft carriers built with asbestos include:
- USS America (CV-66)
- USS Enterprise (CV-6)
- USS Enterprise (CVN-65)
- USS Independence (CVL-22)
- USS Independence (CV-62)
- USS Intrepid (CV-11)
- USS Midway (CVB-41)
This is not a complete list. Many aircraft carriers were made with asbestos-containing products to help the ships withstand high heat and fire risks.
In addition to asbestos, aircraft carriers may also contain firefighting foam or AFFF. The high levels of PFAS in the foam have been linked to multiple types of cancer — and AFFF use in the U.S. Navy is still ongoing today.
Does the USS Nimitz have asbestos?
Yes. The USS Nimitz, which was constructed in Newport News, Virginia, was made with asbestos-containing insulation and gaskets, as well as other products.
Did the USS Eisenhower have asbestos?
Yes, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69), commonly referred to as "Ike," was constructed with multiple asbestos-containing materials.
Congress authorized the ship's construction in 1970, during a period when asbestos was widely used in shipbuilding for its heat resistance, insulation properties, and durability. Asbestos was incorporated into various parts of the ship, like the insulation, gaskets, valves, and paint.
Did the USS Kitty Hawk have asbestos?
Yes. Construction of the USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63) began in the 1950s, long before the dangers of asbestos became known to the military and the public.
The mineral was widely used in insulation, gaskets, and other products designed for fireproofing and heat resistance, especially in high-temperature areas like engine and boiler rooms.
Did the USS Vulcan have asbestos?
The USS Vulcan, a repair ship that was active from 1941 to 1991, had asbestos-containing materials on board. Asbestos was commonly used in paint, insulation, gaskets, and other products found throughout the ship.
If you served on this ship and later developed an asbestos-related illness like mesothelioma, call (800) 647-3434 now. Our team may be able to help you seek compensation.
Did the USS Saratoga have asbestos?
Yes. Asbestos could be found on both the USS Saratoga (CV-3) and the USS Saratoga (CV-60). Asbestos was commonly used on aircraft carriers due to its fireproofing and heat-resistant properties.
The boiler and engine rooms on these ships are among the areas that likely contained high levels of asbestos, posing a threat to those working in or around these areas.
Does the USS George Washington have asbestos?
Yes. Like many U.S. Navy submarines, the USS George Washington was built with asbestos-containing materials like gaskets and pumps. Poor ventilation could allow asbestos fibers to linger in the air for extended periods of time, increasing the risk of exposure.
Veterans who developed mesothelioma from exposure on U.S. Navy submarines may be eligible for VA benefits and legal compensation.
Does the USS Midway have asbestos?
Yes. The USS Midway, an aircraft carrier, has asbestos-containing products on board. This dangerous mineral could be found in insulation surrounding water and steam pipes, around sprinkler systems, and in areas of the ship exposed to high heat.
Anyone who lived or worked on this ship may have breathed in or swallowed microscopic asbestos fibers.
Is mesothelioma a VA disability?
Yes. Mesothelioma is considered a VA disability if your exposure to asbestos occurred during your time in the U.S. Navy.
Veterans with mesothelioma are eligible to receive over $3,800 a month from a VA mesothelioma benefits claim, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Get a free case review now. Our VA-accredited attorneys may be able to help you pursue the benefits you’re owed.
What percentage of VA disability is asbestos exposure?
The VA disability rating for certain illnesses caused by asbestos exposure, like mesothelioma and lung cancer, is 100%. This means veterans can get the highest disability payouts available.
Noncancerous conditions caused by exposure to asbestos on U.S. Navy ships, like asbestosis, may receive a disability rating ranging from 10% to 100%, depending on the severity of the disease.
How much can I get from a mesothelioma lawsuit as a U.S. Navy veteran?
On average, mesothelioma claims award over $1 Million to U.S. Navy veterans — but we’ve secured much more than this for many of our clients.
Some of our past results for U.S. Navy veterans with mesothelioma include:
- $10.2 Million for a U.S. Navy veteran in Washington
- $9.3 Million to the family of a U.S. Navy veteran in Massachusetts
- $3.77 Million for a U.S. Navy veteran in Wisconsin
- $2.8 Million to a U.S. Navy veteran and laborer in Utah
- $3.87 Million for a U.S. Navy veteran and auto mechanic in Connecticut
- $5.77 Million to the family of a U.S. Navy veteran in Florida
Call (800) 647-3434 now. Our mesothelioma lawyers for U.S. Navy veterans can fight hard for everything you deserve.