Cigna Long-Term Disability Insurance Denial

Cigna is one of the largest and most lucrative insurance companies in America. To continue growing and maximizing its profits, Cigna has often denied the rightful claims of its policyholders.

If Cigna unfairly denied your long-term disability claim, contact Sokolove Law today by calling (800) 995-1212 or getting a free legal case review. We’ll fight hard to get you everything you’re entitled to.

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Cigna Disability Claim Denials

Insurance companies want to create wealth for their executives and investors. This wealth may be generated at the expense of policyholders through unfair claim denials.

Cigna acts in bad faith when they deny long-term disability benefits in a blatant attempt to boost profits.

Insurance companies hold a legal duty to their policyholders to act in good faith and fair dealing.

If your insurance company has failed to uphold this responsibility, you may be able to sue on a bad faith claim.

Unfair long-term disability insurance claim denial is one way that Cigna may have failed to uphold its duty as an insurer.

Cigna Claim Denied?

Let us get you the money you deserve. We’ve recovered over $133 Million for clients with denied disability claims.

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Cigna Disability Denial Reasons

If your Cigna claim was denied, Cigna may have cited one or more of the following reasons — which may or may not be accurate:

  • You failed to disclose a pre-existing health condition
  • Your medical examinations were insufficient or inadequate
  • There were problems with your paperwork or documentation
  • Your medical condition is not a “covered” disability
  • Your procedure was elective, not medically necessary

While some CEOs watch their salaries increase, the people they are supposed to protect watch their insurance rates and their long-term disability claim denials climb as well.

Long-Term Disability Denial Consequences

A Cigna disability insurance denial could result in:

  • Immediate loss of your regular income
  • Loss or foreclosure of your home
  • Loss of your savings
  • Denial of your health care

This is all the more reason for you to not take a wrongful denial lying down.

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– Massachusetts Mechanic & Firm Client

How to Appeal a Cigna Denial

Every state has laws banning unfair insurance practices, but big insurance companies like Cigna have whole legal teams whose sole purpose is to defeat complaints.

With more than 45 years of experience handling long-term disability cases, Sokolove Law is ready to step in and fight for the benefits you deserve.

A Cigna lawyer with experience in long-term disability denials may help you reclaim the benefits and compensation you are entitled to, whether through a Cigna appeal or a Cigna long-term disability settlement.

Don't Give Up on Your Benefits

We've helped clients across the country challenge their insurer's decision and secure the benefits they deserve.

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Get Help From a Cigna Disability Attorney

If Cigna has denied the long-term disability benefits you are owed, it’s time to take action.

We have Cigna attorneys across the country who have experience successfully recovering LTD benefits for Cigna policyholders who have been denied.

To ensure everyone has access to justice, our lawyers don’t charge upfront or out-of-pocket fees, and we only get paid if your case is successful.

Call (800) 995-1212 today or fill out the form on this page to see if we can help you secure your Cigna disability insurance benefits.

Cigna Long-Term Disability Denial FAQs

Why does Cigna deny so many claims?

Cigna’s business model, like that of other insurance providers, turns a much greater profit if Cigna denies a lot of claims — even legitimate ones.

A person can make all of their Cigna long-term disability payments on time each month and still have a valid disability claim denied. This is known as bad faith insurance, and it’s against the law.

If you’ve had a Cigna disability claim denied, you should speak with a disability benefits lawyer. We may be able to help you appeal your denial and recover the money you need.

What should I do if Cigna denied my long-term disability claim?

If Cigna denied your LTD claim, you may want to work with a long-term disability denial attorney who can challenge their decision and help you recover benefits.

With an experienced legal team in your corner, you can focus on your health while your attorneys focus on your Cigna appeal.

Learn more about your legal options during a free case review.

How much does a Cigna disability lawyer cost?

Our Cigna lawyers work on contingency, which means you don’t have to pay any upfront or out-of-pocket fees to hire them. We only get paid if your case results in compensation.

How long does Cigna long-term disability last?

The length of a Cigna LTD plan will depend on the policy. Some long-term disability policies last two years, some five, some 10, and some will last all the way until retirement.

Check your Cigna long-term disability policy to see when your LTD benefits are supposed to expire.