Inadequate Security

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Inadequate Security

Inadequate Security & Violent Crime

Inadequate security cases usually involve situations where people are victims of a crime on the business premises of other persons. Many of these claims arise at hotels, apartments, shopping centers or other business establishments.

Thousands of people are injured every year because business owners fail to provide adequate security and personal protection for their customers, their employees and their residents. Property owners are required to provide their buildings with proper lighting, safe locks, and other necessary and reasonable safety features. When a property owner fails to provide a safe environment they may be held accountable for the crimes that are committed on that property.

Inadequate security becomes an issue when someone suffers an injury or loss because another has violated the safety precautions surrounding their business, residential or recreational area that he or she should have taken prior to the incident – to assure that it would not have occurred in the first place. Negligence to an extreme may be fatal in some cases. Other severe negligence could result in injury, rape, or homicide.

If you or someone you love has been injured because of inadequate security, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact us today for a free legal consultation.


Sokolove Law Team

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The Sokolove Law Content Team is made up of writers, editors, and journalists. We work with case managers and attorneys to keep site information up to date and accurate. Our site has a wealth of resources available for victims of wrongdoing and their families.

Last modified: September 10, 2020