Some studies show that the risk of developing melanoma, a potentially fatal skin cancer, is doubled for men who use Viagra® or Revatio®. Viagra and Revatio (sildenafil), produced and distributed by Pfizer, are used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) and symptoms of pulmonary hypertension. Unfortunately, some patients who’ve taken either of these drugs may be at risk.
Study Shows Viagra Users 84% More Likely to Develop Melanoma
An April 2014 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association’s JAMA Internal Medicine found that of the nearly 26,000 male participants, those who have used Viagra or Revatio were 84% more likely to develop melanoma versus those who did not use the drug.
This finding still applied even when researchers adjusted for other potential risk factors, including family history of skin cancer, ultraviolet light exposure based on where they live, and other kinds of cancer and major illnesses.
The study also pointed out that men who took the drugs weren’t at higher risk of less-dangerous skin cancers, such as basal cell or squamous cell cancers. Rather, use of Viagra or Revatio directly correlated with an increased risk of melanoma, specifically because the drugs affect the same genetic pathways that allow skin cancer to become more invasive.
Viagra® and Revatio® are registered trademarks of Pfizer, Inc.