Asbestos Lung Cancer Lawsuit

Lung cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer, and asbestos exposure is one known cause. You may be eligible for compensation if you've been diagnosed with lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

Call (800) 647-3434 now for a free case review to see if Sokolove Law can help you pursue compensation from an asbestos lung cancer lawsuit.

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Asbestos and Lung Cancer Overview

If you have been diagnosed with lung cancer, have you ever considered that your lung cancer could have been caused by something else? For many people, the culprit could be asbestos, a carcinogen once widely used in dozens of industries and the military for most of the 20th century.

Call Sokolove Law right now at (800) 647-3434 if you've been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease.

When asbestos was first introduced to the commercial market, it was celebrated for its resistance to fire, water, and electricity. However, by the 1970s, asbestos was suspected of causing serious lung diseases and cancers. Workers at the time did not realize that asbestos was dangerous.

However, the companies that used asbestos in their products knew about the risks for years. They covered up the facts to keep making money.

Lung Cancer from Asbestos Exposure Video Thumbnail
Video Summary: Sokolove Law Managing Attorney Ricky LeBlanc discusses the risk of asbestos-related lung cancer among veterans.

Many veterans who develop lung cancer often turn to their cigarettes and say that's what caused it. Yes, it's a well-known fact that tobacco smoke can cause lung cancer, but exposure to asbestos dust can also cause lung cancer.

I was issued cigarettes in boot camp at 17 years old. They were supplied to us. If you didn't smoke, you didn't get a break on the drilling field. The term smoke if you got them, if you had smokes and the DI wanted to take a smoke break, you can take one with him. If not, keep drilling. So you were almost encouraged to smoke in the military back when.

People who've been exposed to both tobacco smoke and to asbestos dust have a greater likelihood of developing lung cancer than if they had been exposed to just tobacco smoke or just asbestos dust. This is what's called a synergistic effect. That is that the likelihood of one exposure or the other is multiplied together when both occur.

You have not only the asbestos-related cancers, lung cancers, but you also have the tobacco-related, who knows how many other kinds from chemicals and just things that we inhaled during the course of our service. Veterans are at a higher risk for all kinds of cancers that the average civilian wouldn't be.

Asbestos lung cancer is not your fault. You should not be denied treatment for something you could not prepare for in the first place. Companies that profited from your illness should be held accountable for the damage they have done.

Asbestos-related lung cancer treatments can be extremely expensive, but by taking legal action against asbestos-related companies, they can be within reach. This is why seeking compensation through an asbestos law firm like Sokolove Law can be very important.

How Asbestos Causes Lung Cancer

Lung cancer caused by asbestos has the same symptoms, treatment options, and prognoses as other forms of lung cancer. The only difference is that asbestos fibers are to blame instead of other risk factors.

Asbestos fibers are incredibly sharp, thin, and tiny. In fact, they are often invisible to the naked eye. When a product that contains asbestos is disturbed, the fibers enter the surrounding air. People nearby can inhale these fibers without knowing it.

Once the fibers are in the lungs, they can become embedded in healthy lung tissue, irritating and inflaming it. Over several years and even decades, this damage may cause pain, scarring, and eventually lung cancer.

Lung Cancer vs. Mesothelioma

Because lung cancer starts as tumors in one local area, it's easier to treat than malignant mesothelioma. People can be successfully treated for lung cancer if tumors are removed before the cancer has spread.

Nevertheless, the risk of lung cancer remains extremely serious.

Data from the American Cancer Society (ACS) shows that lung cancer is still the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in men and women.

Almost 25% of all cancer deaths are from lung cancer alone, which is more than breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers combined.

Asbestos Lung Cancer Symptoms

Symptoms of asbestos lung cancer are similar to those of non-asbestos lung cancer. The long latency period of asbestos-related diseases means the health effects will start mild and worsen over time before they are finally noticed.

Symptoms of asbestos lung cancer include:

  • Chest pain
  • Fatigue
  • Persistent cough
  • Phlegm
  • Shortness of breath and lack of oxygen

If you experience any of these symptoms for several weeks and do not improve, you should see a doctor.

Asbestos Lung Cancer Diagnosis & Prognosis

Asbestos lung cancer is diagnosed through tests that include imaging scans and a biopsy. Imaging scans like chest X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs can look for tumors inside the chest cavity. The biopsy removes a tissue sample so doctors can test it for cancer.

An important part of the diagnosis process is telling your doctor about your history of asbestos exposure. This can help them rule out less-serious diseases and factor in asbestos-related diseases.

A prognosis will vary depending on how far the cancer has spread at the time of diagnosis. Generally speaking, a lung cancer prognosis is quite poor if the cancer has spread to other sites on the body.

Depending on the type of lung cancer you have, the estimated average asbestos lung cancer life expectancy can range from 5 months to 57 months.

Asbestos Lung Cancer Treatment

Asbestos lung cancer is typically treated through surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Doctors will remove cancerous masses and administer treatments to the surrounding areas.

It is important to seek medical treatment for lung cancer as soon as possible. Treatment can help prevent it from spreading to other sites. If the cancer spreads too far, surgery may not be an option. In these cases, palliative care can be used to comfort lung cancer patients.

Medical expenses associated with treating lung cancer are very expensive. Health insurance may cover some of the costs, but it may not be enough to pay for all your expenses.

Are You Eligible for Lung Cancer Compensation?

You may be eligible if your lung cancer was caused by asbestos exposure.

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High-Risk Jobs for Lung Cancer from Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos products were used in many buildings, vehicles, construction materials, and goods throughout the 20th century. Dozens of industries heavily relied on it. As a result, workers were exposed to high levels of asbestos daily.

Anyone who worked where asbestos was used is at an increased risk of lung cancer or other asbestos diseases, such as asbestosis or pleural plaques. You might be surprised by how common asbestos was on job sites from the 1940s until the late 1970s.

Jobs with a high risk of occupational asbestos exposure include:

Even spouses and children can be put at risk through secondhand asbestos exposure. Workers who came home in asbestos-covered clothing did not realize they were also putting their family members at risk.

Asbestos Lung Cancer Lawsuits

Filing an asbestos lung cancer lawsuit involves the companies who manufactured asbestos-containing products and acted negligently. An asbestos lawsuit does not necessarily include suing your former employer or any of the U.S. military branches.

Asbestos attorneys will work on your behalf to take legal action against these groups. Many times, for lung cancer cases, you won’t have to go through the entire lawsuit process.

Instead, we may be able to file an asbestos lung cancer claim for compensation on your behalf with the company responsible for manufacturing the asbestos-containing products you were exposed to.

Asbestos lung cancer attorneys can help you:

  • Determine your eligibility to file an asbestos lung cancer claim
  • File claims against the companies responsible for your asbestos exposure
  • Stay informed as to legal action proceeds
  • Receive compensation for lung cancer or other asbestos-related diseases

Get the Lung Cancer Compensation You Deserve

If you have lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure, we may be able to help your family receive lung cancer compensation. Let us get you the money you deserve.

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Who Is Eligible to File a Lung Cancer Lawsuit?

People diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer after exposure to asbestos may be eligible for compensation from an asbestos-related lung cancer claim.

If the person who developed cancer is no longer living, then a loved one, family member, or estate representative may be able to take legal action on their behalf instead.

To  file an asbestos claim, your legal team generally needs to:

  • Obtain medical records that prove a diagnosis of an asbestos-related illness (like mesothelioma, asbestosis, or lung cancer)
  • Substantiate your history of asbestos exposure through employment records
  • File your claim within the statute of limitations, which vary from state to state

How to File an Asbestos Lung Cancer Lawsuit

When you work with Sokolove Law, your experienced asbestos lung cancer lawyers and legal team can help you navigate every step of the asbestos lung cancer claim process.

Steps to filing a claim:

  1. Get a free case review. Reach out to asbestos attorneys with Sokolove Law for a free case evaluation today. We’ll let you know whether we may be able to help with your case.
  2. We review your details and exposure history. If we believe you have grounds for pursuing lung cancer asbestos compensation, your legal team will begin working with you to gather the evidence needed to prove your exposure history and diagnosis.
  3. We file an asbestos lung cancer claim for you. Once we have a better idea of your exposure, we’ll identify the potential defendants in your case and file any asbestos lung cancer claims on your behalf for compensation.
  4. Receive asbestos lung cancer compensation. By filing a claim, you may be able to receive an asbestos lung cancer settlement from the company responsible for your exposure.

When to File an Asbestos Claim

Getting in touch with an asbestos law firm as soon as possible after you receive a diagnosis is important because there are deadlines to taking legal action, known as statutes of limitation.

Statutes of limitations vary by state for asbestos lung cancer cases. This means you can no longer take legal action to receive compensation after a certain time.

Fortunately, a dedicated asbestos law firm can help you secure the compensation you may deserve. Sokolove Law has decades of experience getting people asbestos-related legal help on time. Our assistance is available at no upfront cost to you. We only get paid if we win.

The sooner we can begin gathering details about your medical and work histories and researching the asbestos-containing products you may have been exposed to, the sooner you can start receiving compensation for any claims you may be able to file.

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Many people diagnosed with mesothelioma are entitled to compensation.

For over 40 years we have helped families file for mesothelioma compensation with an average settlement of $1 Million. Let us find out how much you’re entitled to by selecting yes on the previous screen or contacting us at (800) 647-3434.

Asbestos Lung Cancer Settlements

If you were exposed to asbestos at any point in your life and developed lung cancer, it may be that asbestos was the cause of your illness. You may be entitled to lung cancer asbestos compensation for your disease.

Pursuing compensation through a claim may result in an asbestos lung cancer settlement from the company (or companies) that made the asbestos-containing products you were exposed to.

Many factors determine how much compensation may be awarded in each case, including the:

  • Extent and duration of the asbestos exposure history
  • Location where the case is filed
  • Number of companies responsible for the exposure
  • Severity of the client’s asbestos-related disease

Get a free legal consultation today to see if we may be able to help with your asbestos-related lung cancer claim.

Our Asbestos Lung Cancer Law Firm Works for You

At Sokolove Law, we've helped thousands of asbestos lung cancer victims receive compensation by filing legal claims. Compensation can help pay for your medical expenses and cover loss of income due to your illness.

We win an average of $100,000 for victims of lung cancer from asbestos. However, each case is different. We cannot guarantee how much compensation (if any) you may receive in your case.

To start with Sokolove Law, call (800) 647-3434 today or fill out the contact form. Our team of legal professionals can help answer any question you may have. You can speak to an asbestos attorney today if you have a case.

Asbestos Lung Cancer Lawsuit FAQs

When should I file an asbestos lung cancer lawsuit?

The amount of time you have to file a lung cancer claim is known as the statute of limitations and depends on the state where the case is filed.

You should contact us as soon as possible after your diagnosis to make sure you take action in time. Lung cancer compensation may be available, but only if you act fast.

How much does it cost to file a lung cancer lawsuit?

Attorneys with Sokolove Law work on a contingency basis, so there are no hourly fees or out-of-pocket costs.

We’ll only receive payment if we’re successful in helping you get lung cancer asbestos compensation.

Can I file a lung cancer lawsuit on my family member’s behalf?

You may be able to file a lung cancer claim on behalf of a loved one who passed away from an asbestos-related disease.

Sokolove Law may be able to help if you’re their:

  • Spouse
  • Child
  • Family member
  • Estate representative

Get a free case review now to find out if you may be eligible.

How long does an asbestos lung cancer lawsuit take?

No two lung cancer cases are alike. While we can’t predict exactly how long an asbestos lung cancer claim may take, we can help you determine if you may have a case.

Get a free case review today to see if you’re eligible to file a claim.

  1. American Cancer Society. "Facts & Figures 2021 Reports Another Record-Breaking 1-Year Drop in Cancer Deaths." Retrieved from: Accessed on May 31, 2023.